Responses from koh_i_noor
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please. Were I do embark on such a quest, the first thing I would do is not take advice from strangers on the interweb. There is a real world out there… | |
Crown XLS 1502.... real life test. I believe drivecore is a system on a chip crown developed that reduces part count and drives mosfets for class d. It can front end many of their products, so huge cost savings. I am quite happy with my 1502–Its smooth and has more slam and bass th... | |
Pimping your router The antenna geometry determines the shape of the equal power boundaries. Obviously router specific. They are generally designed for max signal at same level as receiver. ‘mostly below’ is an inaccurate generalization—if its actually true for any... | |
Why do we demand so much from our systems? Spending more and more chasing that initial high… | |
Is more amp power always better...? yes | |
Best Vintage tube amp / preamp manufacturer Audio research. | |
XLR to RCA conversion I have a device with dual jensen transformers—the expensive ones—works for hum, but really takes the slam out of drum hits and the like. Using a crown drivecore amp with balanced inputs—lots o slam! If one cant find the nice xfmr, jensen has a web... | |
McIntosh dealer discount ? I imagine one way to give a discount on a price controlled item would be to give an inflated trade in credit. | |
Black ice Audio owners, pet peaves Its peeve. The device is only properly judged by how it does its stated job. Unless it was advertised as a ‘mod platform’, this mode of judging a device is misleading, ill informed and pointless. This notion that anyone with a soldering iron and a... | |
Tubed preamps and Power amps- How old is too old??? I think its prudent to check electrolytics after 20-30 years. Its easy to visually inspect them for swelling and leaking of the liquid. If there is a leak, definitely replace. The first caps after the rectifier have the most stress, so might need ... | |
Should I steer clear of class D amps I got a $250 used class D amp, xtz edge a2-300 (they won a contest for least memorable product name) on ebay and was pleasantly surprised. Given economies of scale, improvements in fets, lower power consumption, and expiring patents, this technol... | |
Relationship between Ethernet Switch and SQ When actual knowledge of network technology is unforgivably gauche in this discussion, the thread was never “uphill”… | |
Class D Amplification Announcement My audiophile days are decades in the rear view mirror. Now, its all about fun. Just what acoustic, live, setting will allow me to calibrate my ears with Donna Summers ‘I feel love’? ;) P.S. looks like someone is getting paid by the carriage return… | |
GaN Class D amps are already outdated, it's time for GaN on Diamond! Its all about the overall design, and transistor technology moves forward, so non gan get better as well. But if a diamond ganfet costs $5,000, surely someone will hear a difference and have to have it. ;) Was not the crown K series class H? Cant ... | |
Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums? Yes, I have been away for a while and upon return, surprised by much lower civility than years past. |