Responses from knotscott
Why are there so many wooden speakers? Creating music and music reproduction are very different endeavors with very different criteria for the materials used to accomplish them. Instruments can have a distinct and desirable sonic signature. Hi-fi music reproduction should have as littl... | |
Audio Technica AT-LP120-XUSB Review Most of the VM95 series tracks at 1.8 to 2.2 gms. Their DJ stylus tracks 2-4 grams. | |
Good entry level cables I switched to the Monoprice 12 awg OFC PVC coated CL-2 wire last winter. Available in 2 or 4 conductor. It sounds wonderful in my good as any of several I’ve tried over the last 30 years, and is very affordable. No marketing BS, just... | |
Long Speaker Wires/Short Interconnects or Long Interconnects/Short Speaker Wires Thanks. All inputs/outputs are RCA. | |
Musings from old school on High Fidelity " Then,,,I guess you take issues with most of my post above I think this hooby is not all biased opinions,,,forensics is involved, a good hunch,,a fair listening, ,,where luck has no place.research research researchHigh fidelity ain;’t gonna drop ... | |
Musings from old school on High Fidelity ...One thing JGH certainly was right about, and deserves much credit for, is saying measurements don’t tell the whole story. Measurements are tools. What we build with the tools, that is up to us listeners. A great reminder that there are three s... | |
Newbie to the awesome audiophile world My recommendation is to buy what you love the sound of. It’s like picking a favorite’s unique to your tastes, and there’s no wrong way to do it. As a rule of thumb, speakers tend to influence the sound the most, but the more revealing ... | |
Footers under my speakers double the perceived value of my speakers! It makes sense to couple speakers to a solid slab, and isolate them from a resonate floor. Every situation is a bit different. Spikes through the carpet to a concrete floor made a pretty notable improvement with several different speakers in my ol... | |
Very best sounding Vinyl Am I the only one who thinks Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms" album is too hot? I wanna love the recording, I love the music, but it’s too sibilant for my taste....maybe its just my copy. On the other hand, Dire Straits debut album, "Dire Straits" ... | |
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices? Mcintosh MC2152 70th anniversary model and the CJ MV series look pretty cool to me. | |
100W, 200W, or 300W? Add Vacuum Tube Audio amps from Tubes4hifi to your research list. Several options that are top notch at a decent price, and great customer service. | |
Who Here is Vertical Bi-Amping? mkgus - I should have mentioned in my earlier post that in addition to doing vertical bi-amping with a pair of Dyna/VTA ST-70s, I also use an amplified 12" subwoofer, meaning that the ST-70s don't have to power a large woofer in my system, which m... | |
Who Here is Vertical Bi-Amping? After rebuilding my two Dynaco ST-70s with the VTA mods, I stumbled into Bob Latino’s suggestion to do vertical bi-amping. It obviously requires two identical amps. After having them hooked up that way for a few months now, I can definitely say th... | |
High Powered Holographic Amplifiers They're not SS, but I'd be surprised if the Convergent amps didn't perform at least as well as your Audio Research Ref 610T. | |
Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player? While I tend to prefer vinyl for several of the reasons mentioned by others, the one that sounds best on my system really boils down to the particular recording. At it’s best, I do tend to feel more like I’m at the venue with vinyl, but I can cert... |