

Responses from knollbrent

Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
How about new everything $3000??? 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Wow, what great suggestions. Leaning toward... Marantz TT15s- Open box $1250Lehmann black cube statement $500Might be a nice place to start??? 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Thanks @jsm71  I'll look into the Marantz TT as well.  
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Thanks everybody for your time and suggestions. I'm looking into your suggestions. The Technics is old school, I like that a lot. Music Hall 9.3 looks very good as well. I'll keep my eyes to the used turntables to see if I can get a steal there! 
How good are the Audience Au24 SX speaker cables?
I'll be getting my Au24's back from Audience this week. They underwent repair and upgrade. I've always enjoyed these cables along with their power chords and interconnects. Looking forward to hearing the upgrade! 
One of the best HDMI cable?
I just purchased the Wireworld Starlight Usb 2.0 A to B and the Wireworld Starlight 7 Hdmi. Both outstanding and fairly priced! 
One of the best HDMI cable?
Thank you all for chiming in with the HDMI brand suggestions. I just returned a $26 USB 2.0   A to B cable that runs from my Mac Mini to my dac and got a $5 one off from Amazon and I swear the expensive one sounds better. The cheap one is awful in... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@corelli Low end is fantastic on the Electrons... 
Is Tidal in trouble?
@grannyring I’m streaming Tidal HiFi with my mac mini and a usb Scott Nixon tube dac. It’s pretty good, convenient. I haven’t been having trouble with the remote apps but that’s another situation. I was researching best "streaming" HiFi on google ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@corelli  What kind of low end extension do you think the Electrons are achieving in your room?It's hard for me to answer that scientificially because I'm not a "techy" guy but Tekton says they go to go 30, my crossover with the Anthem is at 80 I ... 
Best suggestion for 3.1 HT possibly using my MC402 Power Amp
2.1 HT setup is:Mc402 ampAnthem MRX 520 AVRTekton Electron Mid TowersOppo 103 BlurayMac Mini with Scott Nixon Tube DacAloia Cdp with Scott Nixon Tube DacAudience chords, interconnectsPiega Mk11 subThe ARC from Anthem ties it all together... 
Tekton Double Impacts
After speaking to Erik at Tekton, we decided my room would be better suited for the Electrons and even as a "Mid Tower" they're no slouch. I've got them hooked up to the McIntosh 402 amp for power and the Anthem MRX 520 is handling the rest with t... 
Tube dac for my Aloia Cdp
Update. I recently was able to get a hold of Scott Nixon and have a tube dac on the way. They're so damn good and so damn cheap! 
Best suggestion for 3.1 HT possibly using my MC402 Power Amp
Hi Matt-The Home Theater I decided on is 2.1. I went with the Martin Logan 700w sub. Should be good enough. Thanks 
Tekton Double Impacts
What a great thread! After reading through these reviews I'm returning my Def Tech 9040's to get the Double Impacts. My equipt consists of:McIntosh   MC402 ampAloia Cd playerOppo 103Anthem MRX 520Audience chords, wire and interconnects. It's been ...