

Responses from knollbrent

Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Listening update!Holy Moly it sounds amazing! The amount of information pressed into vinyl is ridiculous. The music is now full, detailed, rich, inviting. Adventurous...Enjoy just throwing on a record and listening from beginning to end. It's very... 
Groove Glide. Yeah, nay or maybay???
Excellent @rauliruegas   I'll check out the link. Thanks! 
Groove Glide. Yeah, nay or maybay???
Thanks @bpoletti  for chiming in 
Groove Glide. Yeah, nay or maybay???
Thank you @addyson815 I’m going to hold off using any of it for now and return the glide back to amazon. Thanks for chiming in. B 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Any opinions on the use of Groove Glide? I ordered the cleaning set but will wait till I hear back regarding those that have tried it and their opinions. Thanks! 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Record Dr. is pretty great indeed. Easy to use and does what it’s supposed to do, clean your vinyl. Static is gone too which has been a nuisance on some of my new records. Some records still pop and crackle but I think that’s just part of the orig... 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
I just ordered the Record Dr. and he'll be here Thurs. We'll clean these babies up and get that static outta here! It's the new records. It's funny, cause I use the hair on my chest as a reference. Just hold any suspicious record up to my chest an... 
Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
Thank you everyone for chiming in. I really appreciate your knowledge and will let you know what I hear from this adjustment.  
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
@avanti1960   and @gshepardbuster excellent advice. Thank you! 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
System coming along nicely but now I'm having to deal with the static electricity. I live in Miami Florida btw, I don't think I need a humidifier :)Suggestions? 
Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
Excellent information folks. Thanks for chiming in! 
Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
Excellent. Looks like I'm right on course! It's sounding pretty darn good! 
Is it possible to mount cartridge without using a protractor?
@invictus005 just checked with me friend regarding my posted question above and he said the same thing. The little white tool. We used it. He says were spot on. 
Speaker recomendation
Tekton would be a real nice fit. I own the Electrons and can't be happier. My other pair which are too large for my current room are $30,000 Piega C10 Ltds. Although the Piegas are in a league of their own, they are not missed. Tekton is the real ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
SADE "Best of"2016 Reissue