
Responses from knghifi

Annie Lennox Fans
I downloaded this album from HD tracks and Annie shows that she is truly multi-talented with a bluesy slant. How does the HD tracks download compare to the CD?   I have the CD and it's fantastic. 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
giannicasciaro6 posts01-31-2016 4:06amHi, i'm waiting for SR black fuses to put in wadia wt 3200 transport and lamm L2 ref preamp.In my dac wadia x 64.4 i have an isoclean fuse.Do you think better SR black in the dac or in preamp ?Boh,!Gianni Fr... 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
Low ballers are like telemarketers, there's always a chance, however slim, of success.    From my experience I just ignore them. 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
I think Bernie Sanders had my posts deleted.  LOL! 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Yes, but the HFC MC-6 is current limited, 10A. I'll wait for Rick to release a high current version, maybe one using Furutech GTX-D outlets.There has to be something to fill that void between $999 and $14,900 power conditioners, doesn't there?I ... 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
I haven't found this to be true at all, either with new units or older ones. Do you have any actual experience that you can cite, or is this just the usual ARC-bashing that's so common here? What do you think??   Not true from my ACTUAL experie... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Anyone here heard the Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 power conditioner?Supposedly Rick has some involvement with the design of this conditioner.No experience with Silver Circle TCHAIK 6 but Rick said HFC MC-6 uses 3 Wave Stabilizers.   
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
ebm3,014 posts01-26-2016 8:52amHad ARC 20 yrs ago don't care now!!Boy, you're an old f...!!!   Smart move, there are NO innovations past 20 yrs. 
Noticed the Patriot Act's effects on PayPal?
EVERY economist in power in 2008 swore nobody saw this coming etc ............... uh, except everyone who reads the "Economist" which had been saying its coming for about a decade prior . I'm NOT an economist but once interest only mortgages wa... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
koestner201 posts01-26-2016 9:18amYes, Mitch is right! Why can't SR print the best direction on the fuse? Are they unable to keep them in line during manufacturing? Let's hear from all the users who have an opinion about the correct direction, a... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
From talking to Rick, CT-1 PC can get damaged or melt if drawing too much current.  There's a safety feature in the higher end models that protect the cable but all HFC PCs have a max draw limit.I use CT-1 PCs on my DAC.  On the pre, I prefer S... 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
negotiation stars the moment you list something for sale Is this a new feature in Agon?  Listing AUTOMATICALLY negotiates by itself once listed?    schubert2,777 posts01-25-2016 10:28amWhats something worth ? What someone else will give you ... 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
Audio is my hobby, not my business. When you list a component for sale, it's no longer a hobby but a business.I agree with jmcgrogan2, negotiation starts from someone making an offer and negotiate from there.    I don't reply to "what’s your... 
where can I buy a 1/4 amp slow blow fuse?
HFTs or more fuses
If you decide on HFT, checkout Audio Magic Bells.     They replaced my 3 packs of HFTs.    Better tone, more effective, less expensive ...Audio Magic Bells