
Responses from kmulkey

Turntable Leveling Question VPI Scout
I have the exact same setup. Put the level on the platter at 4-6 different points around the platter. 
Has anyone lost their best friend?
OK, enuff! I was at the rescue shelter yesterday looking at boxer mixes to adopt and then I read fitting! condolences to you all. My shepherd, Max, died a few years ago. What a great dog and a great personality. 
B&W vs PSB
I don't know about the synchrony ones but I auditioned the twos and they were great. 
Modded Oppo 983
Geared,How much was it for the mod(s), if you don't mind me asking? 
Belt vs. string
FYI...I believe the A'goner who gave me the string/carpet thread recommendation was either dgarretson or stehno. 
Belt vs. string
I haven't tried it yet but another A'goner told me of using carpet thread maybe? I have it in an e-mail at home but basically it's more stable than belts because it won't stretch as much. I have a Scout. 
VPI anti-skate device
Do you have the black junction box? If you have the older one, that may be the issue. 
Vandersteen 2 help-which ones?
No problem 
Vandersteen 2 help-which ones?
Yes, they are 2C's. 
Led Zeppelin IV vinyl
Thanks folks for all the input. 
How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?
Sad to say, I've owned some great reel decks and, for various reasons, parted with them. Teac 6300, Akai GX-747 and a Pioneer RT-909. Wonderful sound but as tapes get more scarce, harder to maintain much less build a collection. 
Dustcover for MC275 and VPI Scoutmaster?
I am using a Gingko plinth top dustcover on my Scout and it works fine. Looks nice too. 
Gingko vs. pucks
Stehno,No, I did not take it as confrontational...just beyond my grasp I guess. To summarize, are you saying there's nothing that can be done with vibration/resonance/better isolation or that it's really not a big deal? I ask this sincerely as I h... 
The Mainstreaming of Audiophilia
Ah yes, the good old days when vinyl was king and only cost $6. Very sweet. 
The Mainstreaming of Audiophilia
Much of this has to do with the demographics of those who buy this stuff. Namely, baby boomers. Most of us (yours truly included) are making as much as we ever have and have the expendable income to spend thousands on turntables, speakers, amps, a...