
Responses from klh007

Tekton Double Impacts
craigl59, The Comet Plus DAC from Exogal was designed to drive amps directly and uses a variation of the Wadia digital volume control using a small remote, or an app for your smartphone. 
Power cable
Since you are looking for a value cable, I'll suggest The Super Stroke @$129 for a 2 Meter length, nice connectors and in my system compares easily with other $200 to $800 cables, comes with a money back offer,  https://www.corepowertechnologies.c... 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
jgoombs5, What other speaker cables did you like better that the Cerious? 
Tekton Double Impacts
mdlofnwhr, Please don't forget the LTA tube gear, the 40w amp would pair well with a HT processor, runs cool and the cage covers it all, lightweight to boot, and really sounds great (allowing emotion, color, and openness most SS gear cannot deliver). 
Tekton Double Impacts
Eric must not sleep? He's producing new models on a very fast track, I'm very interested in the DIs. 
Tekton Double Impacts
corelli, Give Mark a call at LTA, my lips are sealed. LOL 
Tekton Double Impacts
David Berning told me the maximum power from the MZ 2 S comes at 3 ohms, and drops as the impedance rises. There are more products coming from LTA, Mark, and David, keep your ears open. At AXPONA I heard the MZ2S/ZOTL40 combo leave a SS pre/amp of... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Dave, I have your answer, and it's a good one, but I can't find your email address. I'm off to a DC HiFi Group meeting now, if you can find mine send me a message. When I get home tonight, I'll try to communicate with you. 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Dave, I'll check for you. 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Dave, Here is about all that has been posted about Deep Core, it should be spectacular; The Deep core is a multi-function power conditioner that re-defines the category. The deep core is designed to not only provide clean, spur free power but it a... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Mark, I'm happy to hear you're getting a little better each day! I bet you must be very busy with the sales success from AXPONA, don't over do it, we know your Doctor ordered you to take it easier, heed the advice. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Courtesy of Mark and Will of LTA, I got a chance to hear the  Micro-ZTOL/ZOTL-40 pair at AXPONA, just a sensational sounding combination that bested a SS pre/power easily, more open, faster, better dynamics, and the ability to portray emotion in a... 
Tekton Double Impacts
The Gustard X-20 is a favorite of Ric Shultz of Electronic Visionary systems (tweakaudio.com), a real modder, the new OPPO Sonica DAC uses the latest Sabre 9038 chips and Dan Wright has a tube mod out, and the HOLO Spring Kitsune tuned R2R DAC is ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Regarding DACs, I second Gary's Border patrol, Exogal Comet, Gustard, and top of the heap AQUA LaScala. I wish I could hear the DIs in Chicago at AXPONA? 
Tekton Double Impacts
Kenny, Please tell us the Class D amps that had you sell off your Class A and valve amps?