
Responses from klh007

Anyone here tweak any Legacy Focus speakers?
Mr_mambo, Where can I source those wires? Did you just remove the rear woofer to gain access? 
Legacy Focus 20/20's vs PBN Montana EPS-2
Can anyone tell me their experiences with amps/bi-amping the Focus 20/20s? 
Rogue's new Sphinx integrated. Anyone audition it?
Passet02, Did you sell the Sphinx yet, I'm interested. Do you have the new Rogue integrated, the Pharaoh, or have you heard it yet? 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Holley, When you re-positioned the Zus and got the better depth, did the up front first row soundstage retreat to row 8-10 or remain front row? Were you able to have the Pens 3' from the back wall, I hear they can get boomy/congested if they are a... 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Brian, Did you order stock Pens, or the SEAS version? What did Eric tell you about the differences between the 2 Pens? How much less efficient are the SEAS version? 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Holley, In another thread an owner of Pendragons( 8ohm,std drivers) measured their efficiency 4 db lower than Eric specs, 94-95 db 1w/1M. Was your experience similar with the Zus being decidedly more efficient the the Pens? Did you ever try a 20-4... 
Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC
For those of us watching from the bleachers, please continue to give us your results and opinions from your comparisons. The DACs you are comparing seem to be in the sweet spot for price/performance/value and are great components which many of us ... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Green Mountain Audio Diamantes,beautiful,great music makers.