Responses from kiza
upgrade from Paradigm Studio 20s? Definitely Fritzspeakers Carbon 7. You will love the bass.No need for subwoofer | |
fritz loudspeakers BY FAR THE BEST MONITOR SPEAKERS UNDER $5K. | |
Five spkr choices Your pick? I am also listening jazz and Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 areamazing speakers. IMO, Carbon 7 sounds better then HarbethCompact 7. Carbon 7 has great bass and soundstage. | |
do monitors require a subwoofer? No, With Totem Mani 2 and Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 you don'tneed subwoofer. Plenty of bass. | |
Two prongs power cable THANKS ALLI already ordered PS Audio power cable with removable groundpin. | |
Bookshelf speakers with the good bass. Hi Again!A couple of days ago I've auditioned the Totem Mani 2.What to say, I was looking left and right to see where is Subwoofer. Great sound but they need a lots of power. Definitely no Dynaudios BM15p. I even contacted sellersfrom Europe but n... | |
Most Musical Subwoofers? What about MJ ACOUSTICS. Made in England. Excellent bass,very fast. | |
Bookshelf speakers with the good bass. Thanks a LOT to everyone. All day long I was looking forDynaudios BM15p but no luck. I have offer on DynaudioAudience 82 but they are to big and they should be placed at least 2'-3' from rear wall. Also I have offer on ParadigmsSignature S4 but th... | |
Bookshelf speakers with the good bass. KLIPSCHFANI've tried and only what is available is BM15A. | |
Bookshelf speakers with the good bass. Shadorne, thanks for respond. I tried to find BM15 and onlyI could find is BM15A. Somehow I don't like active monitors.Do You now by any chance where I can find BM15. Thanks | |
musical sub MAINEIACI agree with You. Good sound comes from source, amplification,main speakers. Sub just gives more bass. If set up properlybass could be good. If not it's just annoying noise. | |
Good SS Power Amp. for Paradigms Studio 20 v5 DARKMOEBIUSThanks for reply. I was thinking to spend around $2000.00 | |
Good SS Power Amp. for Paradigms Studio 20 v5 TpreavesYes, You are right, I forgot to mention. I'm using Rogue Audio Perseus Preamp.Also, occasionally I will be using MJ Acoustics Subwoofer. | |
Need small subwoofer for thump MJ ACOUSTICS REFERENCE 150 MKII | |
Subwoofer reccomendations for B&W 805S? MJ ACOUSTICS. A way better and more musical then Rel. |