
Responses from kiza

Replacements for Dynaudio Floorstanders
Carbon 7 Speakers and NAD Combo C275/C165, if You are looking for the warm sound. 
Subwoofers with Fritz Carbon 7's?
You really don't need Subwoofer with Carbon 7. IMO, the bestmonitors under $4000.00 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
Actually, Yes! During the 80es most popular dance music wasItalo dance music. At that time I used to work for nationalarline as a mechanic so I could afford to buy not the HI Endelectronics but the decent one. I remember when I purchasedNakamichi ... 
Interconnect Cables for Mini Disc Recorder
Sorry, I wasn't specific. I need Interconnect cables for Analog recording from Preamp into Tascam. Also, I will be transferring LPs on to Mini Disc. 
Bryston B-100 or Luxman L-507u?
Actually I had opportunity to listen L505, Bryston B100 andNAD M3 with Harbeth SLH5 speakers at Sound by Singer Storeand even the staff agreed that NAD M3 sounded more dynamicthen L505 and B100. 
Harbeth-7es or Fritzspeakers carbon-7
Harbeths cannot come close to Carbon 7. 
Interconnects for NAD C165bee & C275bee
JAXWIRED, You was absolutely right about CHORD CRIMSON.Very nice bass and smooth highs. Great synergy with NADElectronics. THANKS A LOT. I ordered three pairs. 
Paradigm Studio 20 v3 VS Ascent Acoustics Sierra1
If You can stretch up to $1750.00, Fritzspeakers Carbon 7are best choice. Deep bass, crystal clear highs. My room is20'x 14'x 11' and they sound like floorstanding speakers.No need for Sub. IMO, Carbon 7 are best monitor speakers upto $4000.00. I ... 
Original Shunyata Hydra Owners
Shunyata Hydra power conditioners rolls off highs. EvenMonster HTS3600 betters Hydra. 
Power cable for Sony SCD-XA5400ES
Buy PS Audio PerfectWave 3 with removable ground pin ($120).and You are good to go. I have Sony 5400 and that power cable is more than good. Forget about $1000000.00 cables. 
Interconnects for NAD C165bee & C275bee
THANKS TO ALL. I will try with Audioquest and Chord. My dealercarry both. JAXWIRED-beautiful system. I just can imagine how it sounds. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Luxman L 505 U Integrated Amplifier
I had Luxman L505U and I can tell that NAD M3 sound muchbetter. Unfortunately Luxman is now just a name, nothingeven close from 70' and 80'. 
good stand speakers with good low end
fritz carbon 7 vs gallo starda's
That's exactly how I felt when I heard Carbon 7 for the first time.My last speakers.