

Responses from kijanki

Differences between cd transports?
Toslink often sounds worse than coax, in spite of immunity to external electrical noise or not creating ground loops.  It is because optical transmitters are slow.  Light is moving fast, of course, but transitions are slow making moment of detecti... 
Dac hookup....
Ishkabibil,  perhaps you meant server.  Streamer delivers music from the outside of your home (internet) and often requires different hardware. 
Dac hookup....
I use wireless because my DAC is on the opposite wall from my computer and there is no easy way to run ethernet cable.  My wireless receiver operates on 5GHz band since 2.4GHz is polluted and has only 3 non-overlapping channels (1,6,11).  I also f... 
Why Sinatra???
I remember dialog from futuristic TV series "Orville":- There was a contest, long time ago on planet Earth, called American Idol, to find out who sings the best.- But, why???- These were dark times.Each of mentioned singers is so different and som... 
Volume level for slightly overpowered amp
Power in watts vs volume knob position is not linear - it is exponential (since human hearing is logarithmic).  When you set volume pot at 50% of the peak volume position amp will produce 10% of max power (1/2 of volume = 1/10 of power).  Assuming... 
WiFi extender needed for residence?
I'm confused. You're asking about WiFi extender, but mentioned Bluetooth receiver? 
Furman Elite 15 PFi - how to tell if everything is working
Toolbox149, I have Elite 20PFI.  Any filtering choke in series will produce voltage drops, very big with most of linear power supplies, that draw the current from the mains in narrow pulses of very high amplitude.  Furman in addition to big choke ... 
Help with multi post capacitor.
T in VRT stands for 3 dummy terminals, used for support only.VQT and VRT appear to be the same other then size of pins, so look in attached link for the drawing of VQT layout.  Pins marked with asterisk are dummy (A,B,D).  They not supposed to be ... 
Benchmark 1, 2 & 3
DAC1 was extremely clean, but a little thin sounding in the lower midrange. Replacing op-amps made sound a little more vivid and fuller, but DAC3 is much better overall. Sound is still very clean and extended on both ends, but midrange sounds much... 
Electrolytics Question AGAIN
They simply dry out.  Dry capacitor has increased ESR (equivalent series resistance)  resulting in poor control of the bass.When ESR gets high capacitor gets hot from the current flowing thru it.  Increased temperature increases ESR even more and ... 
Running Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mode and 4 Ohm Speaker
Thank you hifidream, mapman 
Question about in home AV DIY calibration.
Many years ago I bought new TV that had horrible, unnatural, oversaturated and over-contrasted picture.  I found detailed settings (a lot of them) for this TV on internet and typed it all in.  Picture is great now.  It is possible that person who ... 
Filter capacitor issue
Skymunky57, Capacitor blew the top because of increased pressure caused by rapid temperature increase, caused by excessive current.  Most likely rectifier is damaged (causing short) possibly without damage to rest of the circuit (you might be very... 
Does a ripped cd onto a digital format sound better than the cd played on the cdp
Spatialking,  reflections in digital cable, from impedance boundary, are related to highest rate of change and not the frequency of the signal.  The rule of thumb says, that if signal propagation is longer than 1/8 of the fastest transition time t... 
Why Power Cables Affect Sound
Mrdecibel, let's not forget about negative placebo effect - if you strongly believe that cable doesn't make any difference then it won't make a difference for you.