

Responses from kijanki

450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier
The bandwidth limit causes phase shift in audible range possibly affecting harmonics summing. My amp, for instance, has -3dB at 65kHz causing 20deg phase shift at 20kHz. Mentioned Rowland model 725 has bandwidth of 350kHz. 
450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier
Some people argue that class D, as good as it is for the money, cannot really compete with best traditional SS amp. I can see that, especially with still limited bandwidth, but most of the weight is in the power supply that can be definitely class... 
450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier
New 650W Rowland model 725 monoblocks are only 54lbs (including fancy heavy case milled of single billet of aluminum). The key is power supply. Rowland uses quiet switching power supply (SMPS) that provides line and load regulation while tradition... 
What causes some transports to oscillate?
First track is closest to center (AFAIK) and since CD has constant linear speed, angular speed at first track has to be the highest. I experienced CD vibration few times but it disappeared after I opened and closed tray again. It might have someth... 
Can You Get 1,000 WPC Out Of Regular Wall Socket?
Mapman, thank you for kind word. 1000ASP is 58% louder than 200ASC since power ratio is k=5 whilePerceived loudness = k^(1/3.5) = 1.58It doesn't look that much of a difference but the key is in max current delivery. It is 40A for 1000ASP and only ... 
Can You Get 1,000 WPC Out Of Regular Wall Socket?
Al, I found this long time ago searching for power test of 200ASC (Icepower module used in my Rowland 102):"I operated a sample 1000ASP on the bench delivering 350W average of pink noise into a 4 ohm load for over one hour with no additional heats... 
balanced preamp
Atmasphere, It seems that fully balanced configuration offers benefit of even harmonics reduction at some expense of CMRR. I can understand that it might be too expensive to manufacture to stay competitive at the lower/medium price range but all y... 
balanced preamp
Atmasphere, We were talking about cost of fully balanced gear. I expressed opinion that in order to get fully balanced amp or preamp you pay more and sacrifice CMRR (since you cannot keep gains equal to 0.005%) - whole thing to remove even harmoni... 
balanced preamp
Atmasphere, 85dB is decent especially when you take into account effect of twisted pair rejection, in addition to shielding, in XLR cable. In order to match 85dB rejection in fully balanced amplifier gains would have to be matched to 0.005% - not ... 
CD/DVD Player Mystery
Dirty laser? Dirty laser might be OK for most CDs but too weak for some that have lower reflection. If cleaning the laser doesn't help you can rip this CD and make CD-R. 
balanced preamp
Atmasphere, If preamps are balanced and differential then at the spot where summing takes place (input of power amp or speakers) common mode interference will appear as signal. For instance, if one leg has gain of 30 and the other gain of 30.3 tha... 
balanced preamp
Atmasphere, Fully balanced configuration reduces only even harmonics while leaving odd harmonics intact - I'm not sure if it sounds better. In addition gains have to be perfectly matched or common mode interference would get converted to normal mo... 
Diamond drivers
Steve Mowry says in the article "The Whole Truth About Beryllium Diaphragms: -"For a given geometry the first bending (break-up) frequency is proportional to the material Speed Of Sound, where the speed of sound within a material is defined as the... 
Negative feedback Amp=more faithful reproduction?
Atmasphere, It make little sense to seek very high DF for better damping (assuming that speaker needs it) when inductor in series with the woofer has most likely resistance of 0.1 ohm limiting DF to 80 even with perfect amplifier. 
Negative feedback Amp=more faithful reproduction?
Mapman, Woofers have only one invention - lack of suspension (spiderweb) compensated by large diameter voice coil mounted to flat disc in place of dustcap. It makes membranes lighter, faster and stiffer. Midrange (6.5") uses, in addition ferroflui...