

Responses from kijanki

XLR cables that sound bold, natural, real..silver?
I use Acoustic Zen Absolute 0.5m XLR. Fast and clean/refined but natural. A little bit overkill for my system but I got good deal ($650 used). Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II supposed to be good as well and runs at about $400 used. 
I need a new TV
Panasonics output Dolby. For that you need video processor or special adapter. It is not expensive but you you need to pick one that works with Dolby. My Samsung has Dolby/PCM menu switch allowing to use it with any DAC. 
New tv?
Jjrenman, Great link, thank you. It would appear that plasma vs LCD is a little bit like inkjet vs. laser. Laser cannot create shades of gray (or color) so it uses halftoning - pretty much the same as one used in publishing (newspapers magazines e... 
New tv?
There is only limited number of frames/s in TV transmission. Many stations like FOX or ABC broadcast everything in 60fps 720p. When 24fps movie is broadcasted they just repeat frames. Digital TV set adds (interpolates) additional frames, so if you... 
New tv?
Bob, That is hard to understand - why to stop making something that was the best. On the other hand quality of all TVs improved so much that any choice would be good for me. Sharpness is so high, without any artifacts, that I can see tiny scratche... 
New tv?
Jjrenman, when I set mine to highest rate (240Hz) movies look like video made by home camera (soap opera effect). There is a reason why movie makers still record exactly 24 frames/s while technology allows for much more.http://www.gq.com/blogs/the... 
itunes/ext hard drive integration
Ernie, I keep separate disk (also 1TB) and 2 backups. My Time Machine is strictly for the MacMini but I could instruct it to backup also the other drive. I decided it might be not optimal since I prefer to have backup disk unpowered and disconnect... 
New tv?
AFAIK Kuro doesn't exist since 2010. Some of technologies were sold to Panasonic and used in Viera line.I can easily recognize Plasma in large stores because of its yellowish white. The fact that plasma, in the review, scored higher for contrast o... 
New tv?
I have 55" Samsung LED with edge lighting. It is just excellent. Black levels are as good as the best Plasmas while sharpness is stunning. Brightness and contrast stay during day in bright room (adjusts itself). The only problem is that Samsung co... 
do i still need a pre-amp
The signal being output by the TV will be Dolby Digital stereo or surround depending on the broadcastIt depends on TV. Panasonics output Dolby with digital and PCM with NTSC automatically. Since NTSC is gone you would be stuck with Dolby. There is... 
Classical, Spanish & South American Guitar Jewels
Ptss, you mentioned Laurindo Almeida. If you also like Sammy Davis Jr. I recommend this wonderful recordhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOkCw5Fl49I 
Classical, Spanish & South American Guitar Jewels
Sharon Isbin - Latin Romances for Guitar, Dreams of the World David Russell - Aire Latino (wonderful South American music), Reflections of SpainTry very high quality recording: David Russell - Art of The Guitar.Sharon Isbin is simply amazing while... 
Reading Spec Sheets
Bombaywalla, You mentioned important point - quality of power supply. Design seems straightforward with just transformer rectifier and capacitors but in reality it is pretty complex. Linear supply is unregulated and because of that requires a lot ... 
Reading Spec Sheets
Bombaywalla, Rowland 625 is class A/B amp with switching power supply. It is light amplifier (light power supply) in very heavy case. 
Reading Spec Sheets
Judging by power doubling, new Jeff Rowland Model 625 that outputs 300W@8ohms and 550W@4ohms is weak amplifier and that would be a mistake. Judging by weight, as Jmcgrogan2 suggested, is perhaps better, but there are exceptions. Amplifiers that ha...