

Responses from kijanki

Power supply to Amplifier
Rlwainwright, you're right - it won't do a thing when lightning hit is direct (1 foot wide plasma) but it will help when it hits transformer, street light, ground near your home etc. The best is always to unplug and I do it during thunderstorms or... 
The title is:"There's No Such Thing As Digital..."
You probably think about oversampling and that is different. Pretty much every CDP contains PLL. It can be used straight just to suppress jitter providing stable clock (by means of averaging) or can be used to create oversampling. Such oversamplin... 
The title is:"There's No Such Thing As Digital..."
That is interesting, given that many DACs don't have an internal clock, except maybe for the Async USB interface master clocksSteve, you're missing all network DACs including Ethernet, Firewire, Wireless etc. You also forgot about asynchronous rec... 
The title is:"There's No Such Thing As Digital..."
Can our ears really detect say 400 pico seconds of jitter? If not then even a basic CDP is acceptable.We can detect perhaps as much as 50ps of jitter while basic CDP can go as high as few nanoseconds. The reason why jitter is so audible, in spite ... 
Power supply to Amplifier
I use Furman Elite PFi 20 conditioner. It has very tight non-sacrificial over/under voltage protection with circuit breaker. It provides separate filtered outputs for power amps, preamps and video. I don't experience any loss of dynamics perhaps b... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Ivan, I would like to disagree with you on the subject of switching power supplies. Every power supply is "switching" if you think about it. Linear power supply takes energy from the mains in narrow current spikes. Width of these spikes is proport... 
Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference
Person could say "I cannot hear the difference in sound while using different cables but perhaps others can" instead of saying in denial "I cannot hear the difference, therefore it has to be snake oil and anybody who claims to hear it is wrong".Ta... 
Two-channel is inferior to multi-channel, no?
Kr4, many people are in similar situation. It is great if you can spend more money to listen to few multichannel recordings but when most of your recordings are not multichannel then perhaps it is better to invest in better 2 channel system, unles... 
Accustic Arts Power 1 - operates in Class A?
Csontos, I don't know. Things I've read apply to bipolars only. In my opinion it should also apply to Mosfets but design might be completely different possibly equalizing gain. Assuming that overbiasing of Mosfets might reduce distortions the ques... 
Accustic Arts Power 1 - operates in Class A?
On one hand crossover distortions are reduced at slightly higher level when amp stays longer in A class biasing (higher bias) but at the same time gm doubling distortion at higher levels are increased. Measurements made by Douglas Self, Bob Cordel... 
XLR cables that sound bold, natural, real..silver?
I use Acoustic Zen Absolute 0.5m XLR. Fast and clean/refined but natural. A little bit overkill for my system but I got good deal ($650 used). Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II supposed to be good as well and runs at about $400 used. 
I need a new TV
Panasonics output Dolby. For that you need video processor or special adapter. It is not expensive but you you need to pick one that works with Dolby. My Samsung has Dolby/PCM menu switch allowing to use it with any DAC. 
New tv?
Jjrenman, Great link, thank you. It would appear that plasma vs LCD is a little bit like inkjet vs. laser. Laser cannot create shades of gray (or color) so it uses halftoning - pretty much the same as one used in publishing (newspapers magazines e... 
New tv?
There is only limited number of frames/s in TV transmission. Many stations like FOX or ABC broadcast everything in 60fps 720p. When 24fps movie is broadcasted they just repeat frames. Digital TV set adds (interpolates) additional frames, so if you... 
New tv?
Bob, That is hard to understand - why to stop making something that was the best. On the other hand quality of all TVs improved so much that any choice would be good for me. Sharpness is so high, without any artifacts, that I can see tiny scratche...