Responses from kijanki
Why do digital cables sound different? Mceljo, there are only 3 non-overlaping channels in 2.4GHz WiFi. My microwave operates on one of the channels interrupting my music while neighbors operate on two other channels with routers most likely set to max power. I switched to 5GHz. It giv... | |
Headphones and Hearing Loss Sennheisers are wonderful. I had HD580 (same drivers as HD600). Very comfy with great highs and midrange (last thing you need are bass heavy headphones) but high impedance (300ohm) made it difficult to drive to very high levels. It was also open b... | |
Headphones and Hearing Loss +1, That's what my almost deaf grandmother used to watch TV - large over ear headphones. They were low impedance providing insanely high sound levels, but it didn't bother us since it was closed back. I don't know Momentum, but many Sennheisers ar... | |
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women? Czarivey, If it is not what I think you had in mind, then real audiophile doesn't have much else to show spending all the money on this money sucking hobby. | |
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women? Interest in high end audio is irrelevant. Women are impressed by men with any interest other than beer and sex. | |
Amplifier specs, does they matter? Mapman, there is nothing wrong with use of negative feedback but it has to be done right. Using deep global NGF to achieve better spects at the expense of the sound is what I'm against. Why would anybody need DF=1000 if choke in series with the wo... | |
Ripping CD's - Bypassing Computer CD Player In the Absolute Sound article I mentioned, the authors said the sound go worse the more times files were converted, even if they ended up bit identical. I will say, they did get a lot of push back on that topic. However, others do report similar e... | |
Amplifier specs, does they matter? Psaq, In normal test for THD amplifier is fed with pure sinewave ant tested at the output for anything else present. Not only that this test says nothing about THD when driving your speaker but also won't show any high order harmonics manufactured... | |
Amplifier specs, does they matter? Dasign, I would stay away from amplifier that exactly doubles power because in order for this to happen power supply has to be strong enough while output has to be "tightly regulated" which is another word for the "deep negative feedback". In addi... | |
My PC Audio Question Journey That's the beauty of the network bridge - computer, playback program etc make no difference since no timing is involved. PCM stream like S/Pdif coming directly from computer to DAC can be affected since computer creates timing.Timing on the DAC si... | |
My PC Audio Question Journey Airport Express is connected by Wi-Fi and as such does not receive in real time. Itunes/Airplay does not transmit PCM. Computer transmits ALAC data in packets that are stored in AE in a buffer containing about few seconds of music. Timing is added... | |
Ripping CD's - Bypassing Computer CD Player Knghifi, I cannot hear the difference between different formats or sources but it might be related to jitter suppression in my DAC. Jitter might be related to amount of electrical noise in the system making it difficult to compare since this noise... | |
My PC Audio Question Journey I use Itunes with Airport Express for playback but MAX on the Mac for ripping. Conversion 44.1 to 48kHz on Apple TV is audible, according to few threads here but Airport Express is a little bit jittery. Is not an issue for me (with Benchmark DAC1)... | |
Voltage conversion in Wyred4 Sound DAC Benchmark DAC1 is not bright. It was used in many studios for its neutral performance. Covering bright system deficiencies with warm DAC is the worst thing you can do. | |
Ripping CD's - Bypassing Computer CD Player Dts, Digital files can sound different in spite of being "bit perfect". The main and only reason for that is jitter - a variation in time that converts into noise. Jitter creates sidebands that are at very low level but still very audible since no... |