
Responses from khrys

Is solid state on the brink of extinction?
Muralman, with all due respect the theme of your post should have been: are the Scintillas on the brink of extinction? BTW, I've already heard several prominent amp makers suggest that every day for the eAR maker is turning out to be Ground Hog Da... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Frogman you are a good sport and I do appreciate your perspective. I literally tried for years to mate various subs with speakers whose midrange was glorious but low end insufficient. Perhaps the most entertaining combo I devised was ML CLSs with ... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Frogman you are a good sport and I do appreciate your perspective. I literally tried for years to mate various subs with speakers whose midrange was glorious but low end insufficient. Perhaps the most entertaining combo I devised was ML CLSs with ... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Hey Frogman, how do you know that the expanded soundstage added by your subwoofer isn't due to the 0.2msec delay between the sub and your mains at 80 Hz? Or the phase shift between running a mono sub with binaural mains? Why are you so sure that i... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Ritteri, thanks for your suggestions regarding recordings with ultra-low frequency tones. I will truly check them out. My experience has been that most redbook CDs trying to articulate low bass simply double the 40 Hz tone (+3-4dB) and allow room ... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Muralman, I now understand your passion for the Scintillas. Whatever part of the "Ground Hog Day" loop you and the Apogee Corporation are trapped in I am so glad that it allows you to revel in obsolescence.Frogman, you are right on. Physics and ma... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Muralman, there is not a speaker in the world today that cannot straight line to 20dB. 20 Hz is certainly another matter. You are confusing loudness with frequency response, which I find listeners of speakers with erratic impedance curves often do... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Muralman, your enthusiasm for the Apogees is curious. I owned the Duettas for a time and found them exciting but ultimately unsatisfying. I suspect many others did too leading to the demise of the company. Their inefficiency and cruel impedance sw... 
Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
Sbank is absolutely right. NO speaker has ever matched the Quads in the midrange where most piano and voice (not to mention most music in general) falls. By Medieval music I presume you mean mostly liturgical pieces. The Quads are unparalled with ... 
looking for a warm ss amp....
Dennisj is absolutely right. A very warm, rich sounding integrated is the Magnum Dynalabs MD 208 receiver, where you geta top notch tuner in the mix. Pricey new but likely very reasonable used - IF you can find anyone to part with one. 
What line stage preamp to use with BEL MKIII amp?
ARC Ref 2 MkII or just released Hovland HP 200.Get you BELs from Brooks Berdan Ltd., Monrovia Ca. 
Choral or Classical Vocal Recordings - Must Have
The Allegri Miserere is a must but only the King's College Choir version conducted by Stephen Cleobury (c 1984).Also Richard Strauss' Vier letze Lieder performed by Arleen Auger are transcending. 
Favorite Movie Soundtrack
The Hunger 
Replacing a Grace F-9E with ????
I had just bought an expensive Signet cartridge when I first heard the F-9E; I had to have it, it was so much better! Thus began a 25 year frenzy of audiophilia from which I have only recently recovered. Beware. There is no replacement for your F-... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
I went from Virgo I through various contenders (Avanti is a big, bad Virgo; Coincidents are, by "coincidence" very much like Virgos) before settling on W/P 7s. The Wilsons were the only speakers that could equal the imaging of the Virgos and surpa...