
Responses from khrys

Firesign Theatre
"I'm Pastor Flash from the Presumptuous Assumption of the Blinding Light. Oh blinding light, oh light that blinds, I cannot see, lookout for me.""featuring Venus Envy hairspray, with accompanying self-blinding eye shadow and deported Italian napag... 
Best tube preamp w/ HT bypass under 8K.
The 2 recommendations above are good choices but if you are looking for a new preamp in the  
time to discuss kt-88's
To stay on thread, I have really liked the Svetlana kt-88s but had some reliability problems running them in Audio Valve Challenger amps. Recently I came across some RAM-tested kt-88s that I now prefer.Regarding kt-90s I find the assertion that th... 
Getting into Opera... need advice
For a melancholic introspective opera try "Der Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss. Unrequited love has never been so melodically rendered as in this opera. 
Jussi Björling recommended recording
I agree with the above suggestions but would also strongly recommend Bjorling's performance of Puccini's Turandot. His rendition of "Nessun Dorma" is definitive. 
Why do tubed preamps image better than SS?
Tubes do not image "better" than SS only differently. Tubes often expand the soundstage because of microphonics but lack focus and coherency for the same reason. They, like ill-placed subwoofers are sometimes nothing more than subtle "reverb" unit... 
Help me understand the Cardas line of ICs
I believe Cardas sells more "high-end" cable of all sorts than anyone else. That fact alone recommends an audition. The hearing impaired and those wishing to voice their home systems like their cars (frequently the same demographic) will certainly... 
Wilson Watt/Puppy 6 or 7 versus Sophia
I currently own the W/P 7s and have no complaints. However my wife and son both miss (i.e. prefer) the W/P 6s for their dynamic presentation of electronic music and I too will admit to an occasional wistfulness for their impoliteness which, after ... 
Best midrange on SS amp ?
If you must go SS try the BEL 1001 Mk V bridged-mono or the new Hovland Radia. Both have exceptional midranges and their frequency extremes aren't too shabby either. 
Who and what are BEL/Bell Labs amplifiers
Macrojack, I agree that the Mk V is a world class amp and a bargain at $3900. My understanding is that the price increase has to do with substantial upgrading of the power supply and of the output transistors, each one hand chosen and fine tuned b... 
Please rate WATT/Puppy 7
I concur that the W/P 7 needs proper setup but what really good speaker doesn't? It takes experience to position them ideally and that is why I always work with the dealer who places them intitially, allows them to break in then comes back several... 
Please rate WATT/Puppy 7
I concur that the W/P 7 needs proper setup but what really good speaker doesn't? It takes experience to position them ideally and that is why I always work with the dealer who places them intitially, allows them to break in then comes back several... 
Need SS amp rec for Hovland HP 100 pre
There is a marvelous synergy between Hovland products so you would be hard-pressed to find a better SS amp for your HP 100 than the Radia. In fact it synergizes even better with the HP 200, possibly because of their contemporaneous development. 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Hey Kids,I'll be looking for Mick's "wonder" at CES.Competing with the World's competition,Why should he be afraid?I know, he just wants to save us money.Lucky Us! 
Preamp Deal of the Century
My most sincere apologies are extended to any posters on this thread that I have offended. I certainly did not wish to disparage any satisfied owners of Supratek products but rather play "Devil's Advocate" for those not so lucky. The defensiveness...