Responses from kgveteran
Amazon just killed Tidal Anyone running this on a ShieldTV ? | |
Atmos Speaker placement Follow the guidelines in the dolby link, it worked nicely for me, if anything i would go slightly wider than explained by dolby.... | |
Whats playing on your system today? Larry Carlton Radio Pandora | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? I want it to be SteelyDan KatyLied on a Denon DP59L.........but i dont have it yet | |
Tube amp forethought Room size: 13’x19’x vaulted ceilingmusic taste: LarryCarlton jazz, SteelyDan, i will begin dabbling in some classicalnear field: speakers will be 8’ from LPHearing ??? My hearing roll off at 14Khz | |
Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system I tried to find someplace to listen to these speakers....couldn't. A lost time im in Toronto im gonna give em a listen, we're up there for concerts often, or just a great excuse to do an overnite | |
Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system Any interest in revisiting amplifiers that have really controled the LFT8B’s.........Tubes or SSim starting from scratch with a two ch system. It’ll be mostly for LP’s, my plan is to get a nicely refurb’d Denon DP59L.....I was gonna refurb a pair ... | |
power amp/pre amp input and output impedence question Gotcha | |
power amp/pre amp input and output impedence question I notice as i research amps and preamps, sometimes these specs are hidden away or non existent in the owners manual :0/ Why would they not include these important numbers ? Is this kinda like when a manufacturer says an amp can put our 1000watts/... | |
power amp/pre amp input and output impedence question What are the effects of a mismatch | |
power amp/pre amp input and output impedence question Whats an acceptable variation so i can gauge a miss match.what effect can be expected from a miss match.What does an output impedence of 1.2k ohm say to the expert...... | |
My “Dream” system needs a preamp At this price point I almost went with the Don Sachs preamp but chose the Audio by Van Alstine Fet Valve CFR for its relay-switched inputs. That and I feel you take a larger gamble at getting future service with those one-man operations. That was ... | |
is this the right place to ask a "posting" question Copy/paste what you want to quote. Highlight it and click on the quote button.....On their post, right click and highlight what you want to copy/quote. On your new post, right click and paste the text. Highlight the text you want quoted and click ... | |
velodyne dd plus? still considered best of the best? Personally for music, the original 2W Vandersteen always sounded best, the setup provided a test box to match, and then order a finer component filter.......i had limited spl compared to the Velo for sure, the original Muse18 was spectacu... | |
My “Dream” system needs a preamp Good point |