
Responses from key_metric

Totem or B&W?
I have heard many of the speakers in the B&W 600 series. They seem to lack coherance and seem to have some problems reproducing some orchestral textures and harmonies. I think this is due to a compromise in the crossover design. [Listen to the... 
Best DVD on a budget
I have a JVC XV-D2000 DVD player that would probably be a used bargain if you can find one. This was an early DVD player and was made to sound good on CD's and DVD's. It has a K2 Interface which I think uses some of the same technology as JVC's XR... 
DVD Regions - Any Workaround?
The British are always talking about multi-region mods in their magazines. It seems that the British do not think that buying a single region DVD player is a good idea. Some players have chips that are replaceable, others have sets of switches or ... 
Do a search on the discussion forums main page for "Avinci". This will turn up some people who have tried these speakers. "Ehider" seems to be their most vocal advocate.One of the Acoustic-Reality speakers uses the 5.25" Scan Speak Super Revalator... 
It's a Bad Movie, But It Was Fun to Watch Anyway
The original Cyborg with Jean Claude Van Damme. Watch it with a group so you have someone to chat with during the dull parts. This was supposed to be a serious post-apocalyptic sci-fi show. I saw it in the theater on the opening weekend. By the en... 
Error in Upsampling Certain CDs?
I recently ran across the following text at the Audio Research website (at in a description of their new CD player-transport, the model CD3:"While using the latest 24/192-capable Crystal DAC, the CD3 does not ... 
Speaker Stands For the Sonus Faber Concertinos
You might try the Sanus Systems Ultimate Foundations. You can get them for around $300 even from the manufacturer at and you may be able to find a retailer who will discount them. I wouldn't bother with the less expensive Sanus Stands. 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
If you have allergies or some other condition that causes excessive ear wax, an over the counter solution of carbamide peroxide will help clean the wax out. You'll be surprised at what you couldn't hear before. Buy a kit to get the soft rubber bul... 
Ugliest speaker ever?
I think the Wilson Audio Grand SLAMMS are the ugliest. Chunky non-parallel, boxy-looking british design. Second place would be the Revel M20's with the silver finish. Of course these speakers "look" a bit different when I close my eyes and listen! 
What are your thoughts of the Tower design of amps
An amp with a vertical configuration is better arranged for convection (rising heat causing air currents) cooling than horizontally arranged amps. This is because there is more surface area along the sides of the amp where the heat sinks are norma... 
Most compelling vocal you discovered in a movie?
I like "Life in Mono" performed by Mono for the movie "Great Expectations". I bought "Great Expectations the Album" and found that I not only enjoyed this vocal, but all of tracks 1-9 and 12. I'll also put is a second vote for the 'blue' lady (her... 
What's more important speakers or amplification?
I believe speakers, cables and interconnects would be the most important. By upgrading these components first you will be better able to hear the differences between the various amps and source components that you purchase in the future. For examp... 
Amazing Solo Piano Recordings
On the first Stereophile test CD is my favorite solo piano recording. The performance is by Anna Maria Stanczyk of Frederick Chopin's Scherzo in b-flat Op. 31. The liner notes have some interesting information about the recording and performance. ... 
Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
Perhaps you have not seriously listened to the mid-fi speakers that are available. I recently purchased some NHT Super One speakers that were dealer demo's because I was looking for an inexpensive set that I could live with while my favorites were... 
Integrated amps, need some help
I would definitely go for a used or demo amp with your budget. I personally have never liked the sound of NAD equipment. I recently listened for about an hour to the NAD CD/amp combo at a dealer when I was buying speakers and it sounded just dread...