
Responses from key_metric

DVD Player, Better Sound?
It depends on the DVD player, but it will probably be better than any '86 CD player. Early mass market CD players (from the 80's) were almost universally terrible. Also, it really took until about '95 or so before audio companies started to really... 
good, small speakers
I enjoyed listening to the Linn Katans during an audition, but they did seem to have an odd tonality. However, I think they would work really well with your Linn amp.How about the Dynaudio Audience 42? They shoud be small enough. These speakers ha... 
Cry me a river
Song from my last post was "Tell Laura I Love Her"There is a rock song released a few years ago (probably a cover) about a guy who accidently kills his girl in an auto collision. Does anyone know the name of this song? Makes me cry every time. 
Cry me a river
When I first heard Led Zeppelin's "All My Love," I thought it was just another rock love ballad written for some girl. When I found out that Jimmy Page had written this song after the unexpected death of his 6 year old son, I understood the emotio... 
Cry me a river
When I am in the right mood, down and out etc:Like a Friend -- performed by Pulp from Great Expectations: The Album. Played really loud. Waaaaaaa!!!! 
50hz deep enough?
It depends on the speaker, the amplifier, the cables, the room and the stands. I auditioned a set of Linn Katan speakers which the manufacturer insists has a frequency range of 75hz to 20khz +-3db. I heard bass that was WAY BELOW 75 hz in a small ... 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Tripper and/or Mcfavre4:How does the Roksan Kandy compare to the Roksan Caspian? 
Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated
Thanks for the advice! You are right on with part of the Audio Refinement recommendation. I heard some Audio Refinement separates while auditioning speakers. Imaging, soundstaging and warmth were some of the best I have heard. The sound was just i... 
Speakers For Rock
Have you listened to the B&W Nautilus 800 series speakers? These speakers sound great on rock/pop, and the nautilus tweeter is very smooth and forgiving with some poorly recorded material. The Nautilus 803 usually sells for less than $4000 use... 
cd player advice
The Rega Planet is a VERY smooth sounding CD player, almost to the point of being lush. If the rest of the system is very warm, this combination can be annoying (to me anyway). I think they tried very hard to make the sound similar to that from th... 
CD's for auditioning
I agree that you must pick music that you like or you will be wasting your time. Also, if you don't know how the track is supposed to sound you will have no reference. Here are disks that I currently like for music that is important to me. I usual... 
Bryston B60 vrs Sim Audio I-3
I generally prefer the sweeter sound and musical involvement of the Simaudio style to the starkness of the Bryston. However, the CD player that you have is a VERY lush sounding player and may match well with the contrasting resolution style of the... 
Listening Chairs
The Room & Board Roadster chair with footrest - I'm short too so this is the chair I will buy when I can afford it. I definitely has the look and is oh so those that ar... 
Need help w/ B&W CM2
I have heard the Bryston B-60 be brutal in the higher registers on many different speakers. This is why I am not a big fan of Bryston amps - they simply require VERY careful system matching to sound good to my ears. I have never heard NAD sound go... 
Need help w/ B&W CM2
I agree that the first step is to launch the NAD amplification out the window. Sorry, but I have never heard an NAD amp that I liked and they all have the same problem you are talking about, in addition to other worse problems. I have heard the CM...