
Responses from kennyc

Why the truth is not in them ??
I believe most people are honest and show at least some level of empathy. We help each other to achieve better things.Then there are few people who do not look at you as a person but rather as a mark/asset ready to be exploited. They even come wit... 
Subwoofer Suggestion
@kulo What are you trying to achieve?  Is it to seamlessly fill in/extending the lower bass resisters while maintaining a cohesive fidelity or do you want the movie theater chest thumping experience?  These are 2 very different goals as the AudioK... 
Paradigm Persona: what do you think?
Speakers preferences can be very subjective. For instance, while demoing speakers I tried very hard to love Wilson’s, KEF, Revel, etc, but while sounding great they didn’t rock my boat (getting deeply touched/lost emotionally into the music).But M... 
Guidance on Speaker Wire
+1 @elliottbnewcombjr For better performance, it is much better having long interconnect cables (balanced if possible) rather than long speaker cables. Generally, you should try to keep speakers cables as short as possible  
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
From what I’ve researched, the Critical Mass Center Stage 2 seem to be the best by a significant amount. For most positive reviews I’d expect perceivable, good, very good, and the very rare great, after around 10 days of declined performance, the ... 
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
Perhaps a cat whisperer or cat diapers (wear “very” thick long sleeved gloves).On a more serious note, I’d make sure that the cat pee problem is resolved before another costly accident happens. Could be that the cat is angry, jealous, sick, or str... 
New Turntable Direction
Apologies if off topic, but to significantly upgrade your the sonics perhaps you should upgrade your cartridge as well.  The modern Hana cartridges have a fantastic bang/buck performance- that’s why they sold so many. 
New Turntable Direction
+1 Rega Planer 10.  Great review in Stereophile is changing cartridges which may require fiddling like spacers.Newer modern Technics turnta... 
Now I get it...
I wonder if you can purchase a more forgiving “musical” cartridge for poorer recordings?   
Good entry level cables
@obtuse2 Lol “over budget”?  I bet many/most audiophiles have had this experience, for some maybe a way of life, others throw their budget out the window.From my (messy) notes:Interconnects Max length:200pF/m (inexpensive cable) 7ft 28-40pF/m 30-4... 
Is Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF) sexist?
I don't believe that WAF is sexist because it narrowly defines it to being one person - your wife.   Using WAF means that one is cares about their wife's concerns, definitely not the same as anti-wife or putting her down in some way.   Another way... 
CD Transport VS Streamer
If you've changed the source component CD transports and still have a sonic problem, it's likely that the problem lies further down the chain. Even though it may be within a single component, the CD transport and streaming are at some point separ... 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
@guitarsam Your logic doesn't make sense.  You're modifying a digital audio signal to sound more subjectively favorable to you, but then you "assume" your getting closer to vinyl AND you can't even compare/test to the sound of vinyl.  What's your ... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
+ steakster agreed - waste of time to naysayers who refuse to look at it objectively likely driven by some sort of emotional resentment which entrenches them in their position.  Nothing is 100% so they often point to the very small minority disgr... 
Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?
@b4icuWhich part of the white papers do you disagree on? Did even read the white papers?Your saying “The cable’s character that matters is its resistance.” so only resistance matters, but this seasoned cable engineer says that “A standard approach...