Responses from kennyc
Full circle and thinking about speakers @smaarch1 - if you ever want to crank up the volume without bothering your neighbors, perhaps a quality earphone/headphone? Like at the end of a stressful day, sometimes it's nice to get lost in louder music provided it's not so loud it damages o... | |
HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping. @1111art - you should refuse shipment to get the speakers back to DALI for them to inspect/fix, then send you out a inspected/new pair. Accepting them then trying to fix yourself may opening a can of worms - a lot of uncertain additional time and... | |
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers? +1 @mikelavigne otherwise.....enjoy. pro audio guys and artists could care less.We can’t hear what the recording artist hears because of the sonic differences in audio chains and listening environments. Also, recording artists may focus on differ... | |
The Most "Analog" CD Player? @chayro - perhaps getting a separate DAC+transport may be a better sonic solution. Maybe a tube DAC. | |
Full circle and thinking about speakers LSA speakers garnered many VERY positive reviews from professional reviewers - try Googling "LSA speaker reviews".The LSA 20 Signature is on sale for $2.3k here: which is very inexpensive for the... | |
CD or Streaming... am I missing out? @mglikQobuz has 50 million songs while Tidal has 60 million songs which I believe is the most economic way to hear various songs. Many songs come with significantly higher resolutions files compared to redbook (CD) files which sound significantly ... | |
to buy or not to buy (ultrasonic record cleaner) Ultrasonic cleaners seem to clean vinyl the best. Cheapest is somewhat homemade solutions for a few hundred dollars. Kirmuss is about $1k but takes a few manual steps per LP, but gets reported results on par with the automatic UC. Automatic tim... | |
to buy or not to buy (ultrasonic record cleaner) Regarding the Kirmuss, Analog Planet Fremer says, "I can't see the restoration on vinyl records, but I can definitely hear it" | |
to buy or not to buy (ultrasonic record cleaner) I’m planning to order a Kirmuss based on Fremer’s review:“...gleaming, shiny, like-new-looking record, even more brilliant than a similar record cleaned with the Audiodesksysteme“which seemed to be at least or better than the Audiodesk. Not looki... | |
Schumann Resonator @ thecarpathianYou made the analogy between the emotion of love and a Schumann Resonator.I pointed out this is a false equivelancy. I have no idea why you are now alluding to androids.Your misinterpreting the analogy. If you follow the logic to th... | |
Schumann Resonator @Mahgister I know perfectly well how to read the English of very good writer, and consequently know that mine is very bad and approximative at best...I think you are short changing yourself. Few can be very good writers, but the main point of wr... | |
Schumann Resonator @stringreen - I like to thank the OP for starting this post. This is the first time I've heard of SR and the tweak is cheap to try.@Mahgister, thanks for sharing your tipsI find this SR speculation/discussion fascinating. Physics vs biological,... | |
Schumann Resonator @thecarpathianLove as an emotion cannot be scientifically quantified.A machine that creates a specific resonance can.Sorry, I have limited experience with androids"The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%"You are confusing... | |
Schumann Resonator Just because you don’t understand doesn’t make it false, the logic doesn’t follow.The amount of knowledge we have about the universe is 0.0000....%Just because you don’t understand and/or don’t experience it doesn’t make it placebo. Try a simple b... | |
Choosing new speakers after 20 years Best to demo speakers before you buy as tastes/preferences are subjective. It would be ideal to try out speakers in your home, but shipping makes this cost prohibitive. Perhaps dealers would let you bring your Primaluna to hook up to their speak... |