
Responses from kchahoc

Thanks to all replying to cd sounding like LP.
When I had B&W 805's I used Audioquest Gibralter to good effect and it seemed to elecit about a half-octive greater bass extention compared to Cardas, Transparent, and Analysis plus cable. However, it seemed also to make instraments smaller bu... 
DACs - Mark Levinson 36 or Musical Fidelity A3 24
A better question is if the Perpetual Tech. P3 is par with the ML no.36. Cheaper to boot too. Keith 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Any amp over 125wpc and that is stable into a 2ohm load. It does not matter if it acts as a true voltage source. 
Notice the last few issues of Stereophile?
While I do not agree with the PS Audio class A rating, unless they are attempting to make a "budget Class A rating" and so on (still), the mag is well written and some of the columns like those by Marks and the Atkinson are well reasoned and infor... 
What's best CD player one piece price no object
Musical Fidelity nuvista CD.Audio Research CD3 (a lot like the tube players, but with out the impedence matching problems).ML 390sEach choice is great, but it all depends on your prefrences. For instance, for classical the CD3 for jazz the ML, and... 
An electrocompaniet tale
Yeah the ML 390s does pretty much the same thing for those speakes. As far as I'm concerned the best value in two-ways today. 
Nautilus 805 setup question
I tighten down the woofer screws about every six mounts. How far apart do you have the speakers?Keith 
which amp is the best for 2 channel and HT?
Depends,If you want a warm kinda sunset at the beach sound with utmost fidelity try Sim Audio.If you want excitment and spunk try Bryston, but it can be harsh.The Mark Levinson is clean and bass heavy.I think the Theta will have that a sound not u... 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
I tried the Mark Levinson 390s direct into the amp with out the Proceed PRE and achieved mostly the same results. I only used the preamp so I could match levels and have a base line, but also to use SACD as a refrence. I've had bright sounding amp... 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Sure, as I said the amp is a detail master and delivered a very entergetic and dynamic sound. I think I can see why some would call the amp "tube-like", but in other ways the sound has nothing at all to do with the glowing stuff mid- range wise. 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Soix,Is not the HCA 2 supposed to come with its own power cleaning outlet, port or whatever? Besides I used it both direct into the wall, and into a PS power plant 600 (amp only, multiwave set to 55 and 60 mostly, with no difference in sound. I lo... 
Review : PS Audio HCA 2 amplifier
Wow, sorry to hurt your feelings. I did not have a problem with clarity per se, only that the amp seemed to scream through the speakers instead of play music; Just not my cup of tea. In fact, it broke my tea cup:) PS What's with the "Mrs. Lincoln"... 
What's driving your 805's
Musical Fidelity A3cr 
Which of these would you choose for your system
Choose a monitor whose port is foward firing. 
Is Your System Better Than the Music You Like?
I don't know if the premise that a hi-fi system will make most music sound bad is exactly true. I used to think that too, until I really searched around and put together a system that plays good recordings very well, and yet makes even bad recordi...