
Responses from jzzmn88

Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
I have struggled to resist the impulse to buy an SACD player "just because" and am glad I didn't. Instead I upgraded my redbook player and never looked back. Why? because CD's are not going anywhere for a long, long time and whenever I hear someth... 
Favorite MP3 Player if you happen to use them
I also recommend the Ipod. It is the most user friendly of all the MP3 players I have tried. My brother just got a mini-ipod and it is great! 
The best CD Player for the money
I've just purchased a Mark Levinson 390S and am absolutely blown away by the change in sound from my previous cd player, the venerable Sony XA7ES. The Sony player is wonderful but the 390S makes beautiful music. I can't stop smiling putting in dis... 
Solid state amp ultimate stop...
For me, I have been drooling for a long time over the Mark Levinson 33H's. They are pricey and heavy but the sound is to die for! Time to save up! 
Classe CAM 350 discontinued....why?
I have seen the new Classe models, not in person mind you, but just in pictures. I do not like the looks of them at all. They older models look much classier. I do not know how the new models sound though. 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
After reading these stories I have to laugh at some of the extreme things guys will do to keep up with the hobby. Makes me glad I'm not married and that I can buy equipment whenever I please. Oh someday I will be (I know, I know), and I'll have to... 
Former Plinius 9200 owners.......
I find it strange as well because when the Plinius 8150 came out, it was on everyone's shortlist. When I was looking for an integrated at the time, that was the one to get. I did purchase it and still use it in a second system. However, I haven't ... 
Best Amp for 2000$ or lower. New or Used
I have a Plinius 8200 Mk I that i use in a second system and I love it! You can find one used for about a grand. 
Dedicated Line, Surge and Safety
I'm glad this question was asked as I am thinking about placing dedicated lines in my house as well. 
Personal amp evolution
I haven't had as much experience as most of you but here's my personal amp evolution:Adcom 535 Mk II (gave this to my brother and its a classic IMHO)Plinius 8150 and then upgraded to 8200 (have this in a second system)Mark Levinson 383 (have this ... 
best tube integrated under $5000 ?
Try the Pathos Logos. Great looks and killer sound. 
Help me setting up a 2 channel system
I second the B&W 805 Sigs. I own them and have them set up in my living room. I really enjoy their sound - excellent soundstaging and more than enough bass for your room. I think you will be very happy with them as I am with mine. 
mark levinson service
This is a follow-up to the "ordeal" that took place a few months ago. (Please read above text) When I did send my amp in for repairs last in the summer of 2003, I had no clue that the company was going through a massive change and move and only af... 
Do you play an instrument/sing?
I grew up playing classical violin and piano and about 10 years ago progressed into playing jazz piano/keyboard. Music has been such a part of my life that its only natural to extend that into how I listen to music whether its at a live concert or... 
Possibly The Best Kept Secret In Turntables?
I know this is an old thread but I appreciate Buscis for starting it. I have been interested in expanding my audio hobby into vinyl but am reluctant because it seems more "high maintenance". I've looked at the Music Hall series and the Pro-Ject se...