

Responses from jyprez

Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
Wow, one vote for Sonus Faber, one for Wilson Alexia. The two could not be further apart visually  IMHO. I guess it just proves there is no accounting for taste when it comes to good looks. (not saying which I prefer) 
Ugly vs Gogeous speakers
I must admit the Sonus Faber speakers are gorgeous (corrected spelling). I have not heard these so I can only speculate that they sound as good as they look. I also like the look of the Avantguard's and have built some horn speakers as I also buil... 
What year did tube lose to SS
douglas_schroederMy point is that the tube vs SS issue has nothing to do with the digital vs analog question. Both tube a ss amplifiers can be built as class A A/B or even D. This is a digital vs analog question, not a tube vs. SS one.My post was ... 
What year did tube lose to SS
I know this is an old thread but I didn't understand you contrasting tubes and transistors with analog and digital. Both tubes and transistors are fundamentally analog devices (although either can be used in digital circuits). But to your question... 
Audiogon needs a new category
Interesting point mechans. Way back before music servers and streaming audio, we considered "digital" to mean just redbook CD's. This is very far from encompassing all that music servers do today. They are not a "format" but a component. So actual... 
On mid-fi do you hear much difference between Tidal and Spotify
I have subscriptions to Pandora, Spotify and Tidal HIFI. Tidal (HIFI only)  is WAY better in sound quality than the other two, no contest. I have the others because, Pandora has  a better random selection of music when I just want to listen to bac... 
Who has tried "TIDAL" vs other streaming applications?
Reubent, The short answer is no, as I am just starting to work on some of the same issues myself. My son built a Raspberry PI server but he is a Spotify user and he is helping me build my Raspberry PI but we haven't gotten to the music software is... 
Who has tried "TIDAL" vs other streaming applications?
The good news, grm, is that we are on the verge of a music revolution that young people like yourself will enjoy and old folks like myself can get a taste of today at far greater cost than you will ultimately need to pay.I have a musicvault m7 run... 
How much do large Vinyl collections go for these days?
Thanks, Spencer. I realize selling LP's is not like selling stocks on my Fidelity account. The 20% you suggest is a number that i think is in the range of reasonable.Thanks to those who suggested Discogs. I was not aware of this site before. I tri... 
How much do large Vinyl collections go for these days?
If I figured half of retail on the best 500 as suggested, and then $1 per record for the rest it would be about 15K which sounds like a number I could live with assuming retail is actually still what it was on ebay 5 years ago. 
Help me get started again. Tube amp...
There are many out there so I hesitate to make a recommendation of one over the other but you should at least look at Bruce Rosenblitz site at http://www.transcendentsound.com as a start.He wrote a gook book on tubes and circuits which is where I ... 
Help me get started again. Tube amp...
Why not put some of that time to use and build your own? There are lots of kits out there on the web - Bottlehead etc. Just search for tube amp kits. I've built a few and am starting to design my own. Much cheaper and you get the added fun of buil... 
Jazz for aficionados
Your question prompt... 
Starting over with vinyl
Another vote for a DAC and monthly subscription to Tidal. I have over 2000 Jazz records from the 50's and 60's which I love dearly but it cost me a small fortune to build that collection to say nothing of the analog system. Until I heard Tidal and... 
Teres Audio
The audio industry is full of "great guys" who are not necessarily running long term viable businesses. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy from them or support them. Some of them are selling the best "bleeding edge" products of the day and rely u...