
Responses from jylee

Anyone tried ripping SACD as 24bit PCM?
I understand there could be timing implication when converting from / to digital and analog. Will there be a concern for timing issue even when converting one digital format to another digital format? 
Ayre AX7e MP vs ARC CD3 mk2
Ayre is known for state of the art digital gear with its minimal phase filter, and ARC is known for state of the art amps and preamps. It would be wise to keep Ayre front end and ARC amp combo. 
Best CD Player HDCD under $1000US
Keep in mind that HDCD filter used on many players does not produce the full potential of redbook CD. On such players HDCD will sound much superior to redbook CD in comparison. Ideally the player could use different digital filters for HDCD encode... 
Hdtracks flacs at 96/24 but recognized as 44/16
There is no such setting in XP. Windows 7 has rewritten audio driver stack and it has a lot more control over the output. XP has rudimentary and archaic kmixer in the audio stack which does not allow the output bitrate. AFAIK kxmier will always re... 
SONY XA5400ES - Preliminary Observations
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. However posting the same opinions in multiple threads without adding any other value is a bad forum manner, especially by digging up a really old thread to do so. XA5400ES is unambiguously warm sounding CDP,... 
SONY XA5400ES - Preliminary Observations
Something's wrong with your unit. My XA5400ES sounds anything but cold or bright. Plus this thread is six months old. 
The CD player is dead.......
There is no doubt that the computer based music will replace CD in the future. But it won't get a lot of traction until the following problems are addressed.1. ease of converting existing CD collection to HD without someone sitting on a computer f... 
need something to replace built in LCDTV speakers?
I had $700 ZVOX 575 and $100 VIZIO VSB200 at the same time. The sound quality is pretty much the same. The dialogue on ZVOX is slightly more intelligible. But the out of phase surround effect is much better on VIZIO. Both units are equally easy to... 
Does delay really matter?
I'm sure I can hear the difference if my left speaker is 2 ft closer to me than the right speaker. I'd imagine the human threshold is much smaller. 
Pass Labs:What to expect fm XA60.5 to XA100.5
A little late to the discussion here. I use XA-30.5 to drive my speakers with 91dB/w sensitivity and presents 4 Ohm load under 1KHz. I listen to music fairly loud, louder than most of my friends. Even that loud level is only around 80dB at the lis... 
Power Cable options for Levinson 300 series
I must admit Levinson 336 consumes a lot of power as a class A/B design, and my numbers are somewhat underestimating. But their test figure is just that, driving test equipment given test signal. Unless the music is played in a large hall at extre... 
Power Cable options for Levinson 300 series
Some of the numbers listed by other members are not entirely correct. 350/700/1400W rated Levinson 336 will pull in 3/6/12 amps MAXIMUM. Short dynamic passage will be handled by reserve currents in the capacitors. In normal listening level the amp... 
Oppo 83 SE Sound in Absolute Terms ?
if all the talk about digital improving “at a rapid pace” are true, there’s a possibility that a brand new $1,000 player with 2010 technology might best an “old” $5,000 player.In my experience, yes. My $1,500 Sony XA5400ES beats the previous $5,00... 
Technical Question
Many of the tests done by those magazines are error handling tests. It shows how well the player handles disks with mastering error, such as showing video cadence on film material. Such tests are easily done, and the results can be easily compared... 
Technical Question
I agree, the quality of TV is more important than the quality of BluRay player. It was more important with DVD as the player had to deal with interpolation and deinterlacing of video. With 1080 contents and 1080 display there is no such need.