
Responses from jvia

Are cracked speaker cabinets repairable?
You also did not mention finish, makes a little difference. I would suggest what Cornfedboy is telling you, but I will tell you a large enough clamp or a way to apply the pressure and wood glue will fix the crack. If they are black finish, I would... 
Old Dyna amp -- Worth Repairing??
you did not state model, but even given that probably a very minor problem tnat would be easily repaired by most any tech, and I would think at around $50 or so, depending on who you find. Probably should repair to keep some other damage from happ... 
Anybody know how to do home repair of Mag IIIA's?
Go to this link;http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/MUG/messages/10877.htmland there you will find instructions for do it yourself repair. HAVE PATIENCE if you try to do it yourself, its not hard to do, but think twice before you do anything once. I... 
Smoke coming from transformer means........anyone?
Probably the tranny gave, and depending on what it is, probably not worth fixing, unless it is of collector value or such. Since you did not tell us what it is, can't help you there. You might want to keep the tubes depending on what they are. Goo... 
What would you do about a sleazy buyer??
Kinda glad to see the last few posts, cause where the guy was wrong to do you that way, a couple of things done on your behalf might have prevented it, as those described above. Regretfully its part of the learning process. And though I doubt it, ... 
Ohm Speakers, thoughts?
Sean , will do on the A's, though I am pretty sure the gentleman will have to die or become ill 1st for me to get them, and I like him too much to have that happen anytime soon. I kinda have a standng offer with him, and I think if he were to sell... 
Ohm Speakers, thoughts?
I just had a pair of E's that I had traded for. I have to say I thought it was a good value for the money. Bass response was decent, imaging, detail, highs all that good. Wasn't great, but it was and is a $600 speaker. I found them to be impressiv... 
Thinking about buying a Canadian Thorens Turntable
Cold blooded, Jeff, but funny. 
Can different brands of subs be integrated?
No real difference than running any other speaker. You can run 1 sub out of your sub output, 1 out of tape monitor out, I am assuming both subs have variable outputs and xvers so that you can adjust and blend them to each other, the other speakers... 
shipping speakers
If you are near a major airport and your shipping point near one as well, call Forward Air, they will be in your phone book or on the net. Their offices are usually just outside the airport terminal. I believe its 40 cents a pd airport to airport,... 
Are these cartridges worth anything???? HELP
Both of them are,were, very good cartridges. Albertporter has it right though, depends on stylus and cantilever if the are really worth anything. I have a boxful that have problems with both, and really worth nothing but I can't stand to toss them 
Anyone heard speakers by Stephen Sank. Pic of
I think pretty highly of him, does good work, and as far as tunr around time, guy is rebuilding things like Nak Tri Tracers(in my case) and old ribbon mikes, which you just can't really go in and fix one thing wtihout having to fix another and etc... 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
Started out buying and selling in small town, buying gear from the "warehouses"(Illinois Audio, 37th ST. Audio etc)and reselling. Went to work for Scott Sound Center in Memphis Tn a low to mid fi to occasional hifi(we had Superscope, Pioneer Centr... 
JBL L300 Summit
What are you talking about, the 20 some odd year olds ones?If so, it is more about the "romance" of owning a pair of speakers you could not even think about affording in high school or college. They are decent on most tube gear and are very effici... 
JBL L300 Summit
What are you talking about, the 20 some odd year olds ones?If so, it is more about the "romance" of owning a pair of speakers you could not even think about affording in high school or college. They are decent on most tube gear and are very effici...