
Discussions jusam has started

Rose colored memories9088
What are your top 3 favorite female singers?10698165
SACD players that will consistantly read the SACD layer of a hybrid disk?127312
Any experience with the Mini Maggie desktop system?6993
Nakamichi Soundspace systems, your experience?12674
A heartfelt thank you to AudiogoN and members....179314
Best sounding portable CD player/radio....some would call it a boombox279715
CD/SACD Changer for the lazy audiophile....suggestions?91212
Blu-Spec vs. SACD, ?19214
What are/were the best sounding cheap components you have ever had?8360110
Best combo for sound and picture quality in a Blu-ray player?20439
Any favorites for cosmetics/design/how a product looks?202438
Audio people you've had contact with that proved to be good people.341728
What are some of the mistakes, failures or bad purchases of your audio history?204813
Does your "esoteric" taste in audio also exist in other "things" you own/consume?324331