
Discussions jumia has started

Bass traps - foam cushiony items from Amazon ok?282520
Diffusers. 1d vs 2d? Source?14964
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.9359
Most rooms don’t need acoustical treatment.24121175
Have bookcase? No need for diffuser panels.12034
Marantz 5014 avr vs marantz 7706 processor12371
Moon audio 740 p linestage45524
Driver breakin period, what’s the science?205041
Comparison between high end preamp and av processor?16339
Anybody use a stereo amp with their ht? And ..19679
Need a good biwire cable pair for b&w 802 d3 speakers?393710
Schiit customer service seems poor775540
Gain settings - switching between ht and preamp9012
Schiit amps, freya preamp794931