
Responses from jtinn

Looking for a new speaker. Wilson Maxx II ??
I would like to say upfront that I am a dealer for Von Schweikert, have been a dealer for Kharma and have owned most of the Wilson speakers that have been produced.As Hooper and Hifimaniac alluded to, the Von Schweikert VR7SE's are incredible. The... 
Tube Amps: CAT JL3's vs ARC Ref 300's
Greg and Drake: The ARC Reference 300 amplifiers are very good, but a bit noisy and glary. The CAT JL3's are much more powerful sounding than their rated wattage. The CAT's are solid state quiet with amazing control. If your choices are limited to... 
BAT's house sound
The comparisons with solid state are made only in the area of noise floor. They are uncanny in that they are very quiet for a tube amplifier. I would tend to agree with the musicality description, and would say they lean a tad to the warm side. It... 
VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or...
Exlibris: I have two customers who have owned Blowtorch preamps and both prefer the DCC 2. They felt it has greater transparency and has a much more open sound. The VAC is definitely a totally different sound than either as described by Raquel. I ... 
VAC PHI 2.0 or CTC Blowtorch or...
What is the rest of the system? 
Jena Labs Model One Fundamental Power Cords
We are finding that right out of the box, they make a huge difference. After 50 hours or so, the sound seems to open up even more.The reports are consistent with all those using the Fundamental Power One's. 
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?
The problem as Philjolet and Eldarado elude to is probably your B&W speakers. I have found them to fatiguing due to the upper frequencies. I disagree that the Cardas are contributing to fatigue. They are incredibly laid back. 
Wilson Audio, Talon, Rockport and B&W
Brian: Who cares about your opinion. 
Wilson Audio, Talon, Rockport and B&W
Jfz: I understand and I expressed truly how I feel for no reason other than that is what I hear. We all have our listening biases. I also acknowledge that synergy plays a role in all of this.My suggestion to all would be to listen and come to your... 
Wilson Audio, Talon, Rockport and B&W
Zellers: The truth is the truth. If you want to make this about me being a dealer and less believable, go ahead. There is nothing for me to gain in this post. None of the speakers mentioned are lines I carry.I have a great deal of experience with ... 
Finish Quality of Von Schweikert VR4jr's
Carl: Like Steakster, I am focusing on the cables you are using as a possibility. What cables are they? 
Finish Quality of Von Schweikert VR4jr's
How long have you had the speakers? They take a solid 600 hours for the tweeters to break in. 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
The darTZeel in "Hi" impedance mode will easily handle the Merlins. I have heard them driven quite well with much less power.The only time impedance is an issue for the darTZeel is if the speaker drops below 2.9 ohms. If so, the amplifier needs to... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Dbk: The VR9 while having it's sub powered, still has it's woofers driven by the same amplifier as the mids and tweets. No different than with the VR7SE's. Granted the woofers in the VR7's have to go down deeper, but the darTZeel will have no issu... 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
Terrific review.I am pleased to hear that Jim may have found the solution for the noise my customers and I experienced. The IO Sig, Rhea, Calypso and Callisto Signature all had great potential, but at the time I carried the line, the noise was unb...