

Responses from jtcf

Your tube preamp and ss amp thread
I actually just bought a ss amp (Modright 100SE) for summer use,and my tube amp will be idle until fall.My Dac and pre are both tubed.I like the extra power and not thinking about the care and feeding of valves for now:-)It took a little fussing w... 
Analysis Plus customer service
Glad to hear the boss finally got things straightened out. I've recently had a similar experience with another company. They all meant well but their in-house communication .... 
MSRP, diferentiation and the illusion of value
@glupson"..floating above the tower of nuns."How did you come up with this one?I know you remember that scene in The Holy Grail 
MSRP, diferentiation and the illusion of value
It's easy to lust after audio equipment just browsing through advertisements. The marketing folks know how to get our pulses quickened.Same thing with food adverts.For me personally, I have been underwhelmed more often than not when I've had the o... 
Favorite cable brand.
Audio Envy are my favorite budget cableI'm very happy with ZenWave right now after trying a dozen or so other brands 
Looking for my Final Pair!!
Just getting caught up on your thread. A big congrats to you!I'm glad they are making incredible music for you. 
QUESTION about Installing "Matched" Tubes
You might want to get the amp checked out. A bad cap maybe?Time to get them both serviced if that's the case:-/IME the small tubes "flavor" the sound, the power tubes have the most effect on the drive and bass punch. 
Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations
Audio Envy are really nice low cost cables,warmish,smooth, not hyper detailed.ZenWave cables are pricey but not stratesphericaly so.They are the best I've ever experienced and seem to bring out the best in my components. 
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
If you want to know why they sound different maybe delve into the science. Read the blog or listen to the long video. It's not as amusing as arguing though:-)https://www.iconoclastcable.com 
A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV
Why did I start reading this thread?! I almost bought Cornwall lVs last year now I'm really wanting to once again.I'll live vicariously through you guys for now. I suspect those little Decware amps will be an excellent match. 
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
I grew up listening to cheap solid state.So the nurturing pushed me away from that and into the sound of tubed equipment. It sounds so much closer to live music to me 
Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?
Like internet radio where everything sounds basically the same? No. I just want my system to convey the emotion and not always sound as if each artist,band,etc. was recorded in the same studio/venue. 
If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?
@artizen65  I saw him on that tour too, really amazing! I would have liked to see young Steve Winwood. 
to do or not to do?
Leave them alone:-)The braiding serves the same purpose as the Mapleshade style of separating the wires - eliminating interference. 
Why would 2 schiit aegir amps sound the same as 1?
You will get what you are looking for by bi amping not bridging. I'm not good at explaining why but here is a link.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/bridging-amps-good-idea-or-bad-idea