

Discussions jsqt has started

Anyone who owns a Technics SU-R1000, can you answer a quick question226221
Selecting Analog Gear Based on Music Preference?159919
What aspects of a tube amp/preamp contribute to "holographic" effect on soundstage?22287
Can the top end of a PrimaLuna Evo integrated be tamed w/tube rolling?1416051
Innuos owners: Possible to rip audio from blu-ray?24815
Main Audiogon site barely works?501273
Review: Naim Uniti Atom vs Tube Separates/Chord Digital System1838120
Good amplification for Monitor Audio Gold 200?45091
What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like?453538
Tube Rolling Advice for the Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme?861646
Luxman L509X owners - Question about Main In52516
Bluesound Node 2i & Ayre Codex - How would this work?507117
Curious about running a tube pre into a SS integrated21234
Q for any Luxman L-509X owners1076731
JBL L5 - Frozen Voice Coil (Woofer)35355