Responses from jrtrent
Why mono? Bob, I'm using an Audio by Van Alstine OmegaStar PAT-5. This was AVA's solid state circuitry built into a Dynaco chassis (current model is called Inisight). AVA's own chassis also have this capability, whether the simpler SL chassis or the EC (enh... | |
Why mono? Like Zaikesman, what I've read and been told over the years is that using the mono switch is all that's needed to mimic the operation of a mono cartridge. I can't vouch for its accuracy, but below is an explanation I found on another forum; maybe ... | |
Funny video about high end audio/WAF There is a comment from the person who provided it that the point of the video is that the "high end" does not offer anything to compete with the Bose Wave Music System. The salesman offered three solutions, ranging from much more costly and invol... | |
When does analog compete with digital? Naim gear has long been known for its ability to reproduce music with its original rhythm, energy, and forward momentum intact. Some analog gear (Linn, Rega, Roksan) is also known for this quality. When you said you "still feel like something is m... | |
When does analog compete with digital? I agree somewhat with Chashas1, but I think your turntable and phono stage are a bit out of step with the character of the rest of your system. I might try auditioning a different phono stage first, such as the Dynavector P75. If that didn't help,... | |
The $5000.00 Complete System Challenge I would go a different direction and spend a fair amount on the cd player and electronics. Someone has already mentioned staying with Rega for the complete system, and there's a lot of merit in that. Another package that comes to mind with a lot o... | |
Got $1000...how should I spend it? I prefer new products with a warranty and, hopefully, long-term trouble-free performance. For an amp and speakers under $1000, I'd suggest an NAD C326BEE ($499) with Bose 301 series V speakers ($329) and stands ($89). I know Bose is considered som... | |
What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ? Learsfool brings up a good point about just how low in the bass frequencies a person needs to go to achieve high fidelity sound. Reading several articles online suggests that the range of 40-14,000 Hz is sufficient, with one article stating "the r... | |
What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ? I've never used a subwoofer, but I do like bass. I agree with the FAQ on the Vandersteen site that saya, "Bass is the foundation of music and conveys much of the emotion. Without bass, there is no music." This is one of the reasons I've never care... | |
Van Alstine? Not much in carefully controlled listening tests from me, I'm afraid. My Linn LK1 preamp died of a control board fault after about 18 years of service and I replaced it with an Audio by Van Alstine OmegaStar PAT-5 (purchased used directly from AVA... | |
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution Turntables:1. BIC 9602. Garrard GT-55 (with articulated tonearm!)3. Thorens TD1464. Linn LP12/Basik Plus5. upgrade to Ittok LVII6. regression to Basik LVX (sold Ittok to help buy Ekos, but got laid off work the next day; got good deal on used LVX)... | |
Well Tempered Labs out of business? When I e-mailed Transparent Audio some months ago, they had no dealer representation for the Well-Tempered; if you wanted one, you just had to buy from Transparent without audition. Hopefully Stanalog distributorship will let people actually hear ... | |
Help I need a new cartridge and stylus The Concorde 20 was not a DJ model*; it used the same stylus that your current OM20 does. If you haven't had the new setup for very long, there may be additional cartridge break-in time needed (people commonly report improved sound, especially in ... | |
Best value speakers available One way of looking at speaker value is how it contributes to the sound quality of the playback system as a whole. I believe that the source and amplifier contribute more to overall sound quality than the speakers do, so at any given system price p... | |
Personal speaker evolution 1. EPI 100, new, around $100/pair2. Klipsch La Scala, new, about $800.00 (in black, with grille; bought just one, intending to later get a pair of Klipschorns for a 3-speaker stereo array; this never happened, but I still use the single La Scala f... |