
Responses from jrtrent

Turntable/cartridge/tonearm suggestions
First, let me say that I haven't heard your phono stage or preamp, but from your description of events, it appears your system became flat, uninvolving, and lost its timing when you replaced your Naim pieces with tube gear, so I'm wondering why wo... 
best cartridge under $500
Moving iron and induced magnet designs are usually considered subsets of the moving magnet category as they typically have similar output and are attached to the moving magnet input on your preamp or receiver. The difference is that magnets are fi... 
CD the new Vinyl
What he was doing was listening to a whole LP that was crafted as a piece of work by the artist as opposed to a bunch of individual downloads.I don't know about all recordings, but I know that song sequence is a very important and carefully consid... 
best cartridge under $500
can i use a MM or a MC with a jolida jd-9?do i even need to use a jolida jd-9 with a mcintoch c-30?The Jolida can be set to accept either MM or MC. The C30 has a moving magnet phono stage. If you're going to use a moving magnet cartridge and like ... 
I'm going to start from scratch
over time I would like to upgrade and change pieces out to try to achieve different better soundsAnother way to approach system building is to listen to different systems put together by a dealer, or dealers, with whom you can discuss your sonic p... 
I'm going to start from scratch
Given your source preferences, one unit that impresses me sonically as well as from a flexibility standpoint is the Naim Uniti. It's an all-in-one player that performs the functions of an integrated amplifier, CD player, DAB/FM tuner, internet rad... 
Music vs. Components
Mceljo wrote: When you're into the music, everything else is gone, not because it sounds good but because you're captivated by it. This doesn't require a perfect sound system.Tholt wrote: I've come to discover that 'listening to just the music" is... 
Filling out the sound
I think one brand systems are a great way to go (I used an all Linn system for about 20 years). I tried Conrad Johnson and McIntosh tube gear about 25 years ago, but just wasn't happy with their relative weaknesses in pace, rhythm and dynamics--be... 
What's the cost of an entry level vinyl setup?
In his review of Rega's P5 and P7 turntables, Art Dudley said, "were I to recommend a turntable to a vinyl enthusiast who's new to perfectionist audio, it would be the P3, hands down—virtually regardless of that person's budget. And to the more se... 
Is new better than old?
I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy new speakers given the bargains out there.I don't think the OP was considering anything brand new; the example given was something 13 years old vs. something 2 years old. However, one nice thing about b... 
Is new better than old?
Performance aside, if you want to keep speakers long-term, newer is probably the best option. There are many variables, and many different opinions based on personal experience, but my own experience as well as information from manufacturers and v... 
The most important word of advise?
The most important thing to determine is what sonic attributes are most important to you in reproduced music. For me, the fundamentals are pace, rhythm, and dynamics. For others, it might be soundstaging, frequency extension, instrumental timbre, ... 
What Is This Hobby?
Onhwy61 wrote: My question, which is intentionally very open ended, was intended to find out if there was a specific area along the audiophile type activity spectrum that we could agree upon as the central focus of our hobbyI like Art Dudley's def... 
The Hub: In Defense of Audiophilia
One quote that impressed me was:Today, we live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded by music, and thanks to the iPod, we can provide a soundtrack to our own lives. We are perhaps more aware of and attuned to music than at any time in hi... 
Audiophile Addiction
Rpg wrote: he was constantly trying to find the perfect sound from his audio systemArt Dudley has long been one of my favorite writers in the field, and in the introduction to his review of some modestly priced preamps (HiFi Heretic, number eight,...