

Responses from jriggy

Graham ls5/9 vs Harbeth M30.1
I heard the Grahams up there in Michigan, too. Heard the 40.2 and the LS5/9... the Grahams did have that boost around the 5 to 6khz region that is mentioned in one of the reviews—and mentioned as a purposeful design aspect. This def made the speak... 
Best Rocking Speakers 15K and Under
Your musical tastes are wide, like mine. And with the speakers you are looking at, as well as the gear you have, you owe it to your process to try to hear Daedalus Audio speakerS, like the Ulysses or Argos, or one of Lou’s new 10” bass driver mode... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
As thorough as you are, I’m sure you will but check out your listening volume between Devore and JosephAudio, you may find the JA speakers to like to be turned up more. So might depend on your listening style.  
Looking for a warm sweet speaker
Read this thread before bed last night and was going to come back and say the same thing as “steakster” did... Glad you’ve been around (we didn’t know that) but I don’t think he said it in any certain way, maybe just passionately informative.Altho... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Wow, congrats  to Dan Wright! Mark is right about Dan. This is great news for all. As an already happy owner of an E=C 1800, I am thrilled with this news.  
Floor standing speaker isolation advice needed.
@cd318, thanks for the reminder. While  choosing my stand solution and height, I have the speakers up on wood frame w/ granite platform amp stands. There were sorbothane ‘half-ball’ pads Gibbon under the granite—bad! So I replaced with hardwood bl... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
So glad you got the rack moved back befor the Lampi demos! I hope the XLR adapters don't hamper performance or perception to much. Adapters IME have always added a level of degradation.  
Floor standing speaker isolation advice needed.
Anyone (geoffkait?) think the IsoAcoustics Modular Aluminum Series stands will translate the same Performance as their smaller stands and footer devices??? Im thinking of trying them under Harbeth 40.2 (that I want lower than traditional stands fo... 
If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck
ISO Acoustics Modular Aluminum stands...
Thanks for the response Erik. I, too, use the ISO-L8R”###” series stands under my desktop speakers. I am more wondering about the “Modular Alunimum System” for larger speakers. My speakers are large 84lbs. hoping someone has experience with this l... 
Why bogus retail price from some sellers?
There was guy on another forum selling a pair Tekton DI w/ upgrade package, for only $350 off list... They sold—for what, I don’t know. Seemed ridiculous to me. But that’s a hot speaker right now and with no wait/build time, so strike while the ir... 
Lampizator vs. Mytek Manhattan II
Y’all really think the Manhattan II can beat the Lampi B7 or say the Golden Atlantic? Not coming from a place of knowing, just wondering...I love the featur set of this DAC, have read the reviews but still wonder what its sound signature is. House... 
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
Nice astute and detailed odsevations. You are really getting to heart of the sound on a few of these speakers.Don’t forget system/amp matching. I believe some of your concerns raised about a couple of your favorites can be lesened and even improve... 
Securing Vicoustic Diffusors to my sheet rock wall/ceiling.
Which ones and how much do they weigh?  
Experience with Mojo Audio's new single-ended Mystique v3
I’ve heard a few rumblings about this DAC lately... there hast to be an opinion out there.