

Responses from jriggy

Innuos statement
Just yesterday, so are those the differences you heard right at first turn on? Or did you allow time for the unit to settle a day or so? It is in my experience that differences can be ‘false’ or ‘exaggerated’ when evaluating immediately. And this ... 
Bricasti M3
Yes, I think you can hook the M3 w/ network renderer to your router via ethernet, and download the mconnect app for streaming Tidal and Qobuz.  
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
@lowrider57 the EVP’s are interesting with a powerful change in sound. I tried them under everything but as mentioned only liked them under my power filter and under an AppleTV (for some certain casual listening). They seemed to show me that a lot... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
@t_ramey It’s been over a year since I’ve moved or inserted any but I think I recall them working pretty quick but also think there is a couple hours for the ‘draining’ to happen.?? Not a big difference but I think there was some settling or movin... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
Aftermarket footers are system, and even more so, component cassis specific. It depends on what you need or want sonically, as many of them will shift tonality slightly one way or the other. One I don’t see mentioned much are the Daedalus Isolatio... 
Anyone tried the Denafrips CD transport?
Judging from different inputs on the Terminator is not the best move. But hey, whatever works for a user.  
Anyone tried the Denafrips CD transport?
If anyone finds the shootout bill k mentioned, please post it here.  
PS Audio BHK versus Herron VTSP-3A(ro2)
Vol matching when comparing gear is important. Like you said, you can get the same sonics when turning one up more. So use a spl meter to match and then see what you like best.  
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
I’ve taken note of who the truly bad people in this thread are... And BTW, cats are trainable; I’ve done it multiple times.  
Does Anyone Currently Make an Ethernet to I2S Renderer?
Wow, interesting comments there from Mojo. And that was a private email to you, cal? 
Bricasti M3 In the house
I’ve had an M3 for a month plus, but since I’ve been doing an acoustic treatment redo of the room to something more permanent —and better— I can’t quite respond about the unit just yet... But since wanting to use the M3 direct for certain listenin... 
Thanks, I’ll drop you a PM...  
Thanks! I’m in the US. Looking to maybe purchase KR T-100.  
Denafrips Terminator reliability?
yyz, a vid by him would tell us nothing, not to mention his predetermined biases you mention.  
Aurender's "Sound"
I’ve had a ‘double whammy’ of warmth before. Having a Vinnie Rossi L2 DHT preamp and tried a Terminator DAC with it. To warm and no life to the sound. It’s rough having warmth at the source, that’s a hard one to fix down stream, as that warmth (wh...