
Responses from jposs

No good new music?
Ok here it goes, I am going in no particular order, except number one is number one, and the other 9 can go in any order. These are all CDs that I bought this year. I believe the shins was released 2k1, and doves and SFA were released 2k1 in the u... 
The Flaming Lips are Go Manifesto
First of all, there aint no way Im gonna sound as eloquent as the original poster or some of those after. I really do enjoy the new Lips album, and think of it as one of the top 2 or 3 of 2002. I have not given considerable listens to any of the s... 
artists who most deeply touch you
New Order and Wilco 
What music is not derivative?
Very intersting discussions all around. If you read my original post, I never said that the Beatles were non derivative, although I do believe their later work was far enough removed from anything that had been done before to consider it original.... 
Sony DVP 9000
there is no doubt that vinyl sounds significantly better. However, like many people my age, I have far too much invested in CD software. My wife would destry me if I were to start buying vinyl copies of CDs I already owned. Its tough enough to jus... 
Sony DVP 9000
Thanks everyone, that answers my questions. Luckily I should be able to sell my Planet and current DVD player and be able to buy a 9000ES for about the same price, so the wife wont even know!HELL YEAH! 
need 5 speaker setup; have 1200
A pair of 1200 dollar speakers will ALWAYS sound better than 6 for 1200. you can get SO much good used for 1200 bucks, including a great pair of magnepan 1.6. Heck you can probably get a pair of 1.6 AND a sub for that if you are careful! 
How do you all store CDs?
Ok, thanks for all the help, I at least have some choices. To answer a few questions... I have a nice cabinet I love that holds 300, so the other 250 or so are in boxes or just lying around. I am fine with that. The wife is NOT fine with that, and... 
Speaker upgrade - please advise.
Personally for 6k I would sell my amps and find a pair of used ATC 5o or 100 actives...