
Responses from joyelyse

Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
I have 25 lbs. of lead shot in each. Albert says that 95% of potential is acheived in the first 25 lbs. and that most people can't hear the difference between 25 and 50lbs. He said that there is no additional improvement by goign up to 75lbs.BTW, ... 
Von Schweikert VR4 Jr - any inside info?
Any idea on the size? One of the nice features of the VR2 is that it is fairly small, which aids in placement. I figured out that I didn't have room for the 4's. Could be that the Jrs. could be closer in size to the 2s even if the constuction is m... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
I know what you mean. My HUSBAND just gets so sick of me constantly telling him about what I read here, on AVS Forum, and on SoundStage! (my 3 favorite sources of information) I'd have trouble sneaking things past him though, since I need his name... 
Von Schweikert VR4 Jr - any inside info?
Or, you could purchase the VRS1 sub with the VR2 for similar (or less) mone). I have a pair of VRS1s (for better room loading) the I use with a pair of VR2s. With the subs, the midrange is improved and the bass is all you could dream of. With the ... 
Universal Players. Marantz 8400 vs.Denon 5900
I don't know if you care, but the most recent Secrets shootout just came out. The 8400 did not fare well with picture quality. For me, that would be a big issue, but am about 50/50 music/video. The audio section is well regarded. 
Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
I'm finding placement challenging. My room does not allow the flexibility I need. I am going to call over to VSA and get them to help me. The VR2s sound great where they are, but I'm not achieving that "floating ball of sound" that Albert talks ab... 
Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
I have been breaking in a pair of VR2s since just before Thanksgiving. I am going to begin concentrated critical listening today or tomorrow. So far, from casual listening, they are fantastic. I thought they blew away a pair of Maggies I listen to... 
SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel
I was unimpressed with SACD when I had only heard it on the Sonys. (I own an entry level 775, and auditioned a 999ES.) When I switched to the Denon 5900 universal player, I changed my mind. I feed the Denon into a Bel Canto DAC2 for Redbook. I lov... 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs. VR4 Gen III
Well, my VR2s (VRS/1s, LCR15, VR1s, and stands) are ordered. I expect them to arrive next Friday. I am so excited! I'll break them in over Thanksgiving week, and report in after. Talk to y'all in 100-200 hours. Joy Elyse 
Review: Marantz Marantz DV-8400 & SA-14 vs. others CD Player
That's OK. I already own one, so I'm not in a rush. Since I've never heard other decent SACD players, I'm curious what you think about how it stacks up compared to the other choices out there. I'm considering having it modded to make it even bette... 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs. VR4 Gen III
Albert Von schweikert called me personally today (!!!!!!), because I sent him an e-mail asking for clarification. He spent an hour on the phone with me going over the designs, sound characteristics, a little about his childhood :), etc. I was blow... 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs. VR4 Gen III
He gave me the name of a dealer in Chicago, where I'll be for Thanksgiving. I'm going to call to see what they have on the floor. But he offered me 45 days, full money back including shipping, so I'm not committing fully. (See, just like the guys ... 
Von Schweikert VR2 vs. VR4 Gen III
The detail I forgot to mention is that my call was originally to find a dealer in my area. There is no one in New England that sells Von Schweikert. (I live in Boston.) Hence, my having to make a decision sight unseen. (Or unheard, which is the ac... 
Review: Marantz Marantz DV-8400 & SA-14 vs. others CD Player
Are you still planning to review the 5900? I'd be curious. 
Bel Canto DAC 2 or Ikemi?
I ended up going with the Denon 5900 as a transport. It's more than I was looking to spend as a transport, but since it has beautiful video and fairly good SACD, it was the perfect choice.