
Responses from joyelyse

Something comparable to VSA VR-1s
Hey everyone. For some reason, I thought my thread had never posted. I never got any of the notifications. I ended up getting a great deal on a pair of LSA .5s. I actually think I like them better than VR1s in the space. (I borrowed them for a qui... 
Question on Salamander Synergy system
BTW, just another reason to hide (and lock) your gear: 2.5 year olds!!! Gotta agree the the WAF is high. I am one after all. But as much as we have taught our daughter to stay away, the TiVo access card has gone missing and she's becoming convince... 
Does this speaker exist or am I being ridiculous?
In our old place, we had out Von Schweikert VR2s about 18 inches from the wall. Not ideal placement, but acceptable. I have to admit they don't have the same pop w/o the subs, but they still do a nice job with the full range, and the WAF factor sh... 
Speakers to make even Raffi sound good?
Look, I'm not as enamored with Cambridge Soundworks as I once was, and I know price is often not a good indicator of quality (BOSE anyone? LOL) But do you really think that $49 Polks are going to sound better than $400 Cambridge Soundworks Newton ... 
Speakers to make even Raffi sound good?
Thanks all. I realize that I have been out of this so long, I'm having to look up everything. (Once I found my system, I posted for a while and then stopped. I found that it just made me want to keep upgrading, which I could ill afford to do.) So,... 
Nasty Hack for Sub Isolation-That Works
Dordy, thanks for the suggestions. Paul from VSA had this to say "any of them can work, and probably each will have a sound that is slightly different form the other. Corian, and granite well cost a good bit of pocket change. Even the maple 2 inch... 
Von Schweikert Sub VRS/1
I have a pair of VRS/1s paired with my VR2s. As Steve said, the transition is seamless. They are highly musical subs. The best I've heard. VSA matches them with the 4jrs, so I wouldn't worry. But if you need more information, contact Paul-VSA's sa... 
To repair or buy cheap?
Actually, that's exactly what is happening. However, the receiver is in an armoire. I can't leave it on without risking fire. (It's a very BAD idea to keep a receiver on in an enclosed space...just ask my friends who burned their apartment on.) I ... 
To repair or buy cheap?
I read it was the house brand of Pacific Stereo in the 80s. I don't know about the early 70s. The guy who offered to repair it was the one who came up with Sanyo.I see your point, but my main system is solid state (though significantly higher qual... 
I need some suggestions for some new speakers...
Check out the Von Schweikert VR1s ( Since they are mini-monitors, they are great at imaging and they go fairly low (40Hz). Of course if you could add their VRS1 sub (which would likely push you over your budget) you might ju... 
How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????
Actually, we're thinking about getting him a sibling. :) 
Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?
We bought the smallest. On a side note, my husband was conflicted about buying the shot. On one hard, he felt like we were supporting the gun industry. On the other, we took two bags of lead shot and prevented them from being used in bullets. It's... 
How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????
Riley is a 10 month old English Springer Spaniel. He's black and white and adorable. 
How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????
My dog is particularly fond of Central/South American music. I'm not kidding. Maybe he likes the rythums. I can't even take credit. He's liked it since the day we brought him home. He also enjoys classical.The other night, however, we were dancing... 
How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????
Thanks everyone! This has been a facinating read. I feel kind of bad though, I was sort of kidding. But I realize that didn't come through in my tone. (That's a lesson for me as a writer. I heard my voice--sarcastic and self deprecating--you heard...