
Responses from jose21

Digital Interconnects
After trying the VD Nite, Stealth Varidig, Nordost Silver Shadow, Illuminations Orchid, HT Magic One, Siltech G3 all within the last month, I'm going back to and staying with the Acoustic Zen MC2 XLRs. 
Recommend a DAC for my system....please.
Soix, Thanks for the thought. I've pondered that situation but for HT, which is my priority(65%), nothing IMO beats the NHT VT3s. Ever heard 'em? Got an Audio Note dac 2.1x coming in this weekend. A little excited to say the least... 
Recommend a DAC for my system....please.
Thanks to everyone so far.Platypus, why do you think that the Levinsons are a bad choice?Any comments on the Kora Hermes? 
Recommend a DAC for my system....please.
I forgot to add, I'm trying to get that lush, warm, musical sound(isn't everyone). My speakers don't help much in that dept.(a bit on the bright side, great for HT though). Getting my hands on some Golden Cross interconnect cables next week which ... 
Best used dac under $2000
Under 2K used, what do you guys think of the Levinson 36/36S? 
PC for Magnum Dynalab tuner
Thanks for the response everyone. Wondering if anyone has had any experience with Stealth PCs. I use their CWS ins but have never tried the PCs.Hey Rlb61, I guess I shouldn't worry about the Harmonic Tech being on the lean side. 
REVIEW: Virtual Dynamics NITE Digital Cable
Blazter, Finally got my Nites today, after 6 weeks. I'd like to give the cables time to break in before posting my impressions. One particular thing I noticed was the background...BLACK!!! One more thing, your physical description of the Nites loo... 
Digital Interconnects
Gunbei,Yeah, I'm still waiting for the darn thing. It's been almost a month. How do you like the Audition interconnects? Had them in my system about a year ago but felt the Stealths were a little "faster". Only burned them in about 10 days or so. ... 
Digital Interconnects
AZ MC2(actually for about a year now). But I should be getting the Virtual Dynamics Nite in a few days. Can't wait to see how that goes. 
Speaker tweak
How heavy should these plates/sand bags be? Mine are currently about 15 lbs on a 120 lb speaker. Never really experimented with other weights. 
REVIEW: Virtual Dynamics NITE Digital Cable
Blazter, Great review! Having previously done a demo a year ago between AZ MC2, Stealth Varidig, AQ and the Orchid, I've been 90% happy with the MC2. 90% only because there's still a 'little' brightness(I's my setup) I'd like to tame dow... 
It must be love, she got me a ??? for Christmas
My GF bought me STEALTH Ultimate Ribbons speaker cables(12 ft.), a bicycle pump and biking shoes. :-) 
Banana to barrier strip / Suggestions / Adaptors? for "45-282G"A friend of mine had the same dilemma. 
Best 5 Channel Amp
I have a SimAudio Titan that replaced a Bryston 9b about a year ago. The 9b is a good amp, but the Sim "controls" my NHT VT3s in a way that the 9b can only wish. Power and finesse. A dealer friend I trust recommended it and he sells the EAD, Class... 
Theta v.s. Sim Audio
Never heard the Theta. I have the Sim Titan and it replaced a Bryston 9b. As good as the Bryston was, the Sim is better across the board. Gobs of power and very smooth! I will be keeping this amp for a long, long time. Jose.