find anything good at estate sales lately??

my girlfriend contacts me every time she goes to an estate sale locally and names off brand names and models related to audio, of course. she goes for her stuff, mainly, but lately some nice stuff has been coming up. as of late, she texted me with the denon dra 355 for $5. five bux.
so i researched it and wondered if i could use a 41 watt receiver. i really have no use for more audio stuff, but i thought, what the hell? i could always start a garage system. after 2 weeks of the receiver sitting on the kitchen table, i tried it out and easily put some of my higher end stuff to shame. it took down (effortlessly) an amp/pre-amp combo without a drop of sweat. made in japan, this receiver is no joke. it sounds like combos i had heard in the 90s costing $3000 and more. what have you found lately that just blew you away?? man, i love this hobby!!!