Responses from jond
Grant Fidelity in Alberta Did you try emailing? It's possible with the CV-19 virus they closed their offices. | |
Kudos to Dave at Audio Doctor! Great story and I will say Dave got off to a bit of a rocky start here but his posts since have been helpful rather than sales-y. | |
Why is There Not More Consolidation in Audio? Consolidation happens when larger companies see profit in buying smaller companies or to eliminate competition. This is such a tiny niche market there's really not much of a point except for a few bigger brands. | |
Happy Scale My current system is by far the best I've had and it makes me the most happy. But other than my speakers, which are a year or two old, and streamer which is about 3 years old, everything in my system is at least 20 years old. Amp and preamp 20 and... | |
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies? Uber congrats on your new speakers! I assume you have lots of time to listen now. I know I do. | |
Visiting audio stores? I was at my dealer last Friday getting my preamp re-tubed, imagine being on lockdown with no tunes! Just the store manager was there the owner and another employee out doing a custom install. I ended up spending 3 hours there as my 9 preamp tubes ... | |
does bluebook retail for speakers mean for one of a pair That price is for a pair. Speakers are typically priced by the pair, occasionally you will find them priced singly. I would assume the bluebook would always give you the price on a stereo pair. | |
So many drivers.....better sound or just more sound? Where is kenjit to settle this once and for all? :p | |
Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus Italy has the oldest population in Europe its no surprise at all. | |
Cary CAD 50sl Here's the owners manual version 1 on the CAD 50 monos from Cary's website. some reason they don't list the 50sl. | |
About to audition Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand Reference - advice? How about the Tannoy Turnberry? Tube friendly, especially high powered tubes and built to fine furniture standards. I love the aesthetic not sure if you will but if so at $8K the pair seems like a contender. | |
True Story! OFC speaker cable I hope it also gave your power washer a very clean sound! :D Great story and fantastic job Macgyvering. | |
Vacuum tube ! And Warnings I am baffled here you put tubes in an amp that can't use 6550s? You said EL34-KT150 does that include 6550s? If not its not the fault of the tubes wherever they came from it's user error. | |
sodium / tungsten / magnesium, aluminum, wire? I believe that lead is toxic so perhaps not a good idea? | |
Vacuum tube ! And Warnings Perhaps a dumb question but can the amp run 6550s? |