
Discussions jon_p has started

I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase1852030
Meridian Sooloos or Qsonix? which is better?849815
What is current best REFERENCE DVD player28362
Wilson Alexandria V2729119
VTL Siefried vs Audio Research 610T2129530
Problem with Audio Research Ref 3 or Ref 210's59137
Audio Research 150M Modular amp.26031
Vandersteen 5A's in Home Theater385210
Vandersteen 5A's...about to take the plunge510311
Looking for a new powerful amp.1740425
Synergistic Research Absolute Ref vs Elrod303804
Proceed AVP vs Meridian 50248513
Halcro DM-58's or Levinson 33's?61725
Levinson 33H & 436???29801
Levinson 40 owners...have you updated to 2.0 s/w?27684