
Responses from jolen1aub

I am looking into the Tekton Lore's
FWIWHere are additional info. to consider on the TEKTON LORE.I'm posting these as I did not find these info. even on the TEKTON website.Weight: approx. 59 lbs each.Binding post: 1 pair (gold plated brass), 5/16" sticks out of rear approx. 3/4" Foo... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
One word.....passion! An individual with Passion for good sounding music (depending on how passionate)....will naturally (come within) hunt for the gears and resources to get him or her there....(investment varies with financial status)...IMHO..(j... 
Holly Cole's "One Trick Pony" on "Romantically Helpless Album" Grooveland LP, 45RPM.This particular LP (45RPM version) just keeps my ears happy and smiling over and over. It's kind of pricey for a 2 LP did not disappoint for me....worth ... 
Phono Preamp-Nothing you like so Build your own?
I second the K and K phono amp kit ( max-out version). 
What music do you want to play really loud?
Dire Straits "Brothers in arms" LP album.Enrique Coria . 
Attention K&K phono pre owners:
Thanks John...Just got off the phone with Kevin.. some questions on my newly built unit.Looks like this latest upgrade will be ready in a few days.Another great upgrade to look forward to from KandK!What a guy.. 
K&K phono break-in period
Thank you to everyone who chimed in! I'm currently using my old faithful pickering XSV3000 MM Cart. Have been listening for an average of 2-3 hrs these last 7 days. I will post my experience after the 1000 hrs break-in period (hopefully I don't fo... 
AudioResearch, Tercel, Decware, Hagerman, bottleh?
Chris,Like you I'm also considering upgrading my phono stage.Which one to buy is almost a hit and miss depending on who you talk to and trust with these advises. Bottom line it will be your ears that will decide (sorry to say)later after you get t... 
K&K any comments?
Pedrillo,Is your KandK phono the max-out version?Thx.Joel 
Review: Porter Port AC Outlet Customized Hubbell 8300 Tweak
Ditto to Lak's review on Albert Porter ports! :^))I was floored when I replaced my outlets with Albert Porter's ports last week. Had my system for over 3 years and never had it sang like it does now. Dynamics are just fantastic. Liquid like detail... 
Sonic Frontiers preamps tube eaters??
Thank you fellow members for voicing out your experiences whch makes me feel better. I too don't really have a problem with this unit. I just thought I might try replacing my noisy tube and get them froma reliable vendor/s for a change. BUT this p... 
Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
A definite Yes, I can live without vinyl! BUT Playing vinyls (for me) is a big part of fun listening and ritual.But to be fair I think digital formats are getting better and better in sound quality. No pops and clicks... not to get-up from your li... 
which power conditioner unit?
ChangLightspeed CLS 6400... 
which power conditioner unit?
I had one installed since I put together my Audio system and that was 3 years ago. Just started getting back into Vinyl just last year. Anyway to make a story short.... had to move audio furnitures around 2 months ago and disconnected my Power con... 
Need an Entry Level Phono Preamp
About the AES PH-1. Like any other electronics it has its strenghts and short-comings. Which ever you end up with will depend solely on what you are willing to compromise.The ph-1 is a solid performer considering what it can deliver with its price...