
Responses from johnto

Favorite Live Concert Recordings
To add a few not mentionedJ Geils Band Full HouseGeorge Harrison Live in JapanRolling Stones Get your Ya Yas Out 
Bobby Whitlock on All Things Must Pass.
I understood Whitlock to say the original was exactly what Harrison and Spector wanted at the time. GH best Lp's were with the big sound with PS and later with Jeff Lynn. 
Do you all agree when Prince said the 60s, 70s and 80s were the golden ages of music?
60's and 70's for sure with rock music.There are other great years for many other types of music. 
Alvin Lee or Snowy White?
Love the Snowy White guitar work and sound but overall as a song I'd go with listening to Alvin Lee. 
What Integrated Amp do You use
Had a Parasound Hint 5 with Maggie 1.7 great match and sound. For the price it's tough to beat with the phono pre, dac  and bass management. 
More watts or better power ?
There is a good article with Pass Nov 1 2018 issue of Stereophile in the Jim Austin article. If you Google Nelson Pass on power conditioning you should reach it. It's basically already done in his equipment. 
More watts or better power ?
Unless you hear some problems I would keep what I have. Pass is hard to beat. I think in some of his writing  Nelson talks against power conditioning for his amps. 
All Things Must Pass 50th Anniversary sets due to be announced tomorrow
According to Bobby Whitlock who played on the LP the original came out sounding just the way George and Phil wanted it too. That big sound they got made it a massive hit. When Harrison left Spector his sound and sales fell untill he turned to Jeff... 
For all you Blues lovers. Try to catch this Buddy Guy documentary on PBS!
Caught it on GBH in Boston. Dynamite player, seems like a very nice person, well worth the watch.We were lucky enough to have a 1 hr Chuck Berry bio before also worth catching. 
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
Any tech who says no to Maggie's unless you have a very low watt amp isn't worth listening to. Maggie's may need subs for lack of the very low end but they sure don't lack high end sizzle unless something is wrong with your tweeter. They come with... 
Decent 25' Cable
Yes Canare 4s11 use what the studio's use. Save your $ for other audio purchases. 
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
I should add when I first had 1.7 they came without the jumpers installed and had me worried as there were no highs like at the store so double check your jumper connections. 
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
I'm running Maggie 3.7i with Pass gear and the sound is fabulous. You may need more break in time my 3.7 were well over 300 hrs before the magic appeared. Also play with the placement I always favored tweeter in speakers toed in and 18" from side ... 
LSA 20 Statement Speakers
You have some terrific equipment there, it should bring you many hours of memorable music pleasure.I learned long ago not to care what others thought it's  your ears that need to be pleased.Enjoy! 
I have various speakers and audio equipment for sale. They 7-10 years old. Should I list?
I've had great luck listing on usaudiomart and audio circle where listings are free.