
Responses from johnto

Looking for a warm sounding amp or integrated with a torodial transformer
I think Parasound uses them in their amps and integrated. When I had the Halo Hint it was warm sounding.  
Totally overwhelmed (speakers under $5k)
If you have the space the Magnepan 3.7i used with a sub is an amazing speaker you can listen to for hours and does everything right. You can also check Philharmonic Audio, Dennis Murphy makes some great sounding  speakers for about $3500 all qual... 
inexpensive phono pre amp
MoFi makes a phono preamp in the $300 range that gets great reviews and even has a mono switch.  
What are your favorite "HOT" songs?
Grand Funk -  into the sun.      Pink Floyd -  Set the controls for the heart of the sun.              
Integrated amp selection
Another integrated to consider would be a used. Parasound  Hint Halo, it basically has everything you need and is great sounding.  
The Doors The End.  
Discwasher Direction
Arrow should point the way the record is rotating.   
Looking for speaker wire (bi-wired) suggestions for two types of speakers
Save yourself some $$ and try Canare 4S11 great cable used in studios.  
Integrated upgrade recomendations
Parasound Hint is tough to beat loads of features, the prior model 5 was a Stereophile class A component.  
integrated amp on a budget
Second on Parasound Hint Halo either 5 or 6 comes with everything you need.  
Cheap Speaker "Isolation" Solution for 300 lb. Speaker
Hudson Hifi has some reasonably priced isolation and stabilization products.  
Best speakers around $130k?
Magnepan 30.7 they'll sound great give the rest to a charity you'll feel great.  
What'd You Get For Xmas?
Junior Wells Hoodo Man Blues and a Hudson HiFi record cleaning kit which is excellent especially considering it’s price.  
Magnepan .7 vs 1.7 tech question?
I had always thought it was the resistor that cut some of the high end. I've never had a problem with 1.7, 1.7i or 3.7i on the tip end. I have alternated between wire and resistors as a jumper which will change the top end . You do need an amp wi... 
The Boss is the Bo$$
I think he went back to the Spector big wall of sound recording. Dave Clark Five also used a similar wall of sound. It sounds great in cars or at parties grabs your attention and doesn’t let go. As far as money I guess many artists have a price.