Responses from johnsonwu
6SN7 based Pre-Amplifier Allow me to keep ranting... just by looking at the picture of the inside of the Ming Da MC2A3 I'm already thinking it could use much better high voltage bypass, better coupling caps, and hexfred bridges.Have you also considered the Melody 1688 Sig... | |
6SN7 based Pre-Amplifier Yu11375 you must be referring to the MC2A3 currently available on does look interesting.I am in the Bay Area, maybe one of us should take a chance then trade.Problem with Ming Da based on my ownership of the MC7R is that they know how to... | |
Avalon Eidolon and Krell, good match or not? I used the Reference One with VT200 during the 1st year of ownership of the Eidolons. I kept the reference one until last year. Dumped the VT200 within 9 months.The VT200 is indeed up there in the league of Krell in terms of non-musicality.( I had... | |
Avalon Eidolon and Krell, good match or not? My comment was actually an honest opinion, no kidding.I have owned Eidolons since 2000 and have purchased and borrowed many amps to try on them.The Eidolons are very Krell-averse. | |
Avalon Eidolon and Krell, good match or not? Just my opinion: please dont abuse the Eidolon with anything from Krell. Even a $500 tube amp or a cheap counterpoint SA100 will beat the Krell driving Eidolons. | |
What can I drive w/ the 8wpc Air Tight 300B amp? Silverline is not *that* efficient unless you use Alan Yuns own homebrew 300B amp that is heavy as heck, still with loud passages we heard it clip @ his shop.try diatone P610MA or P610MB mated with a supertweeter.Thats an affordable way to get tha... | |
What are your thoughts on hybrid amplifiers? I wrote a review of my Counterpoint NPMs here down or search NPM on that page.My point is that hybrid amps can sound almostas good as the best tube amps out there but it all depends on the design and ... | |
Tubes Became Microphonic 6922EH's are the quietest and least microphonic modern tubes out there but IMO they dont sound good at all.I hava a bunch of NOS Teslas (not JJs), they sound decent but were extremely microphonic in my SP10 and tolerable in the Reference 1.So here... | |
New tubes for Counterpoint SA 100 No the stock ones are 6DJ8 and not 6SN7.Improving the high end on SA100 (stock, based on my experience with the SA220) means u need to replace the coupling caps AND swap out the 6DJ8 with a something that has sparkle like the Telsa (new JJ or NOS)... | |
balanced/xlr vs. unbalanced/ single ended Physics and gain and noise level difference aside I find that single end provides a more linear, fluid, laid back vs the more open and aggressive, open and in your face sound XLR cables do.WHen Properly grounded and RCA connectors locked I think t... | |
Selling to someone in another country Another "incident" related to international shippingI had another ad that specifies "Ship to US Canada Japan" only. Winner still bids on item despite my email caution of voltage and expensive shipping.Winner wins auction, then says "out of town, w... | |
Selling to someone in another country Thanks for the advice, the "wanted Ad" does seem to be a great idea. Cheers. | |
Selling to someone in another country Now how do you like to see this sequence of events?* CLEARLY my ad says no non-US/Canada bidder.* Some overseas member in Asia asking u whether u'd let him buy moments before the auction ends.* He's got great feedback, so you provide him with deta... | |
Canary Audio... I have the 309s but in stock form they are not nearly as good as the 339s. I also briefly owned a 301 years back. The 301s simply dont have enough power to drive anything under 92dB/Watt IMO.After pulling out all the Multicaps from the 309s and re... | |
Pass XA-160 and Avalon Eidolon I am not sure how much better / different the 33H monos are compared to the old ML-333.When I just got the Eidolons about 6-7 years ago I was using the 333 to drive them and I must say it was so disappointing I thought the Eidolons were incompeten... |