

Responses from johnnycamp5

OMG. What now?
@hilde45 wise words   
Why do so many people have problems with bass?
In a room? ”boundary interference”  
Monstrous power cables
Monstrous power cables
No I use archaic devices that necessitate the use of massive transformers…  
Monstrous power cables
They can act like a “device” instead of a simple cheap 14-10g cord. Super heavy gauge will certainly increase capacitance. You can also increase or reduce resistance. What’s the big issue here? you can change these things inside the case (amp/pre... 
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
7pi’s at approx. 200 lbs. around 49” tall. TC9 line arrays only 60~80lbs but 101”s tall!  
UGH...The tired, "BEST" Rock guitarist thread
For me Eddie was best rock guitarist long before Ted said so… It has nothing to do with his speed or showmanship (or lack there of) But I agree, like Ted says his phrasing and sense or rhythm and timing has a groove that was second to none…  
No frills speaker manufacturers
Needless to say if you can diy in your spare time it’s the most bang for buck… Also buying used (someone’s diy) can be much less expensive. Its true that you need to know what you like the sound of though …for me it was mostly in terms of high s... 
OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name
@fittebd +1.…What a meatball!   
Will I benefit from a subwoofer with 20Hz speakers?
From my experience with all my systems over the years, (answers to your two questions in the second paragraph) 1 Yes 2 Yes  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
We often post up to describe our preferences. We enjoy the hobby in our own way… thats the beauty of it (and most other hobbies). Go nuts on room treatments but lousy gear, or vise versa, or both, or neither, or any other combination of parts and... 
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
@mijostyn +1  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
@4afsanakhan The symmetry you speak of can usually have positive effects ABOVE the transition frequency of the room. Below it the opposite is usually true.  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
@mahgister Shouldn’t have been too bad at low level (and near field) except at the lower frequencies (<250Hz)… Still that’s nothing to sneeze at (starting around middle C on a piano) Also correcting those lower frequencies throughout the room ... 
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
It’s true there are just too many variables in all different rooms. Also in what people like to hear with respect to “too live” or “too dead”. After decades, Im one of those folks that has come to my own personal conclusion that room acoustics co...