
Responses from johnmcelfresh

Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
Do bear in mind that the DSP 7000's have 1/3 the number of woofers as the DSP8000s - quite a difference. 
Anyone with a high-end home theater sans sub?
You can't make a blanket statement like "All home theater needs a sub." My main speakers are Meridian DSP8000s and there is absolutely no need for a sub - they are flat to 18 Hz in my room, up to 118 dB (God forbid). My Meridian 568.2 is programme... 
phantom center channel
Ivyinvestor,With my processor (as many others) you tell the unit the center is "phantom" and the information is routed to the L+R fronts (in mono, I would assume). Therefore, no information is lost. 
phantom center channel
Depending on the quality of your main speakers and their ability to image, a phantom center can be a better alternative to an actual speaker. Although the dialog won't be as "anchored" for those on the sides, integrating a center channel speaker (... 
Center Channel Needed?
Matt,I will weigh in with a slightly different perspective. My system is used for both movies and music, with music being the most important. My speakers are quite large and only about 9' apart. I can not impement an identical center speaker due t... 
I bet you already know this one...
My favorite (from my business):Q: How many art directors does it take to change a light bulb?A: Do we HAVE to use a light bulb here? 
Why do intelligent people deny audio differences?
I am frequently told by non-audiophiles, when visiting my home and seeing (not hearing) my audio equipment that, although they're sure I can hear a difference, they're sure "they couldn't hear the difference anyway". I politely respond that, "of c... 
CD player - new generation?
I'm always skeptical of the "latest" technology. I remember when CD players were new - my first player was a McIntosh MCD7000 and it had 14 bit DACs because, although 16 bit convertors were available, the technology was so new that none were linea... 
Best Processor Choice...
Scott,I own a Meridian 568 and all I can say is, it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard from a processor. Definately in another league than the Rotel - I don't know the Cary product at all. I strongly suggest you audition one if you can - i... 
what's your favorite album cover?
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass - "Whipped Cream and Other Delights". Made quite an impression on me as a young boy... 
Tell us compliments received on your system...
Listening with my (then) six year old daughter to John Abercrombie's "Night". She turned to me (not knowing the title) and said, "Daddy, this music is really dark." Maybe an even better compliment to John Abercrombie. 
How's this for a dose of reality???
Paul Klipsch? 
Wanna know how noisy your AC is ?
Sean,Are you still loaning the kit? I am very interested - tried to buy a Noise Sniffer and they're discontinued! 
McIntosh MC- 501 vs Pass X-600 vs Parasound JC-1
Nice review of the Mac 501 in this month's Stereophile - at $8,200 a pair, the reviewer says they're steal (compares them favorably to the $27,000 Halcros). For the kind of money you're talking about, test them with your type of speakers. 
Meridian/McIntosh tech help
There is no trigger on the Meridian processor. Meridian suggests using a 562 in conjunction with your 568 to provide triggers.