

Responses from johnk

Choice: Avantgarde Duo Omega or JBL K2 s9800
Not me owned AG the JBL is better. 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
The only time I had a tube amp damage a driver in loudspeakers was from a cheap poorly built dared amp that had parts shift in case work. Have had tubes fail never had 1 damage any amps or loudspeakers. Mostly you hear noise and slightly more dist... 
Choice: Avantgarde Duo Omega or JBL K2 s9800
I would go with the JBL 
What do you see as the downside of tubes?
300b tubes are readily available as are all the other tubes mastersound uses. These tubes are all in current production. So many choices in new tubes plus if you want to roll tubes lots of vintage choices. 
Vintage tube guys
I collect vintage have yet to find a old tube or SS amp as good as the ones built in the last 15 years or so. Owned a fischer 500c had the best tubes in it was completely rebuilt by a fischer pro sounded fine not great phone pre was lame. Cool stu... 
Mastersound 300B and bass
Plus se300b has a cool tube cage keeps kids and pets from burns toss in remote control for volume a very good package. A remote is truly a good thing. Wish more SET integrates used one. 
"Frightening" or "Relaxing" sound quality?
Bass pressures and wide dynamics can make you jump. But loudspeakers or your system shouldnt beat you up allowing one to only listen for awhile. Your not just full of music your fatigued by problems with design,system synergy,or posible hearing da... 
Mastersound 300B and bass
Using my mastersound se 300b on 94db 4 ohm loudspeakers with 15in woofers bass is deep detailed free from bloat. Mastersound uses custom wound transformers so wider responce over amps using off the shelf transformers. Since I design loudspeakers I... 
Speaker Technology over the last 10 years
Quote Trelia[I have to say that putting trust into something that is designed and built by humans is a recipe for failure] We do this all day long. I would say putting trust into something souly designed by computers is a recipe for failure. I can... 
Speaker Technology over the last 10 years
My company is US based. And I design for 1 thing only performance and price acordingly even WAF has little effect on my designs;) Limitations mostly fitting through standard door openings. I can list a bunch more US companys designing for performa... 
Speaker Technology over the last 10 years
mapman I have field coil drivers from 1928. Crossovers have not made major gains but parts quality has as has computer design for crossovers. This to me is both good and bad makes it easyer for designers but you end up with same old same old sound... 
Dunlavy SC-IVa speaker cabinet refinishing source?
Oil your veneers seems nones does anymore. Veneer holds far better on birch ply but since MDF is so much cheaper thats what most manufacters use. 
Help needed for crossover design for supertweeter
Are you using t90a? If so you can use just a cap. 1. -1.5 should work. You might have to try both values buy cheap caps to see. Then replace with dorfs 
Said I owned over 35 SET amps 6 of them-45 SET, 4-OTL. Not that I'm 35. Would happily trade to be 35 again. I will leave this thread nothing worth while here. All I do is design hi-eff loudspeakers mostly for small power amps like SET what the hec... 
Never said 300b is the best just that I disagree that 45-50 SETs the best for nothing ever is truly the best. You speak in adsolutes as Masty pointed out. And Bill sure Ive owned far more flee powered SETs than you think over 35 at least want pics...